Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Month I Am Glad To Say Goodbye To!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          April is the cruelest month for me, with so many anniversaries of loss; more than any other in my life experience.  We also had an earthquake this month, I had a harrowing fall, which I miraculously survived, and so did David.  Hayley Mills turned 78, I saw "Gone With The Wind" on the big screen again, and David and I saw Celia in "Mother Play," not to mention the wonderful Beatrix Potter exhibit at the Morgan.

                            So, cruel though it be, April did have some wonderful moments.  I cherish those and try to move on from the rest.

                            And look forward to May, the month of Mary, and flowers.

                           See you next month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I got emotional reading your “I’m Sad” post.
    I feel it too, the grief, the heaviness of remembering the many birthdays and death-days of SO many loved ones

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, April is a tough month for our family.
