Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Darlings, I Can Think Of No Better Way To Welcome In The Fifth Month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Can you believe we are already one-third through 2024????????????????

                                 Anyway, I started my May with the usual--making sure the first song I hear is Julie Andrews singing "The Lusty Month Of May" from "Camelot."  Who can do it the way she did?  No one!

                                 And May is the month of Mary and flowers, and, unlike April, some positive anniversaries loom ahead, for a change.!

                                  So, welcome May, everyone, and enjoy Julie at her Andrews best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Here is Julie, who owns this song!  Enjoy, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It will be a sad, sad day when Julie is no longer with us

  2. Victoria,
    Indeed, it will, but thankfully she leaves a vast legacy behind her.
    I think she will make it to 90.
