Friday, April 5, 2024

We Just Had An Earthquake, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         As soon as I post this, it is wash and go, and I am taking Baby Gojira with me.  At 10;23 this morning, I was sitting here, watching some You Tube stuff, when I felt this shake.  At first, I thought it was the wind, and a tree would come flying in, because we have had some windy days lately.  But then I saw there was no wind; the trees were still.  Then the shaking became greater, and I knew it was an earthquake.  I sat in my chair, stunned.  Nothing was damaged, and it lasted twenty seconds, but it seemed longer.

                        I thought of this sequence--thank God, we didn't live it--from the 1936 MGM film, "San Francisco," which recreates the famous 1906 quake.

                          Its center was at White Horse, NJ, and the scale was 4.8., large for this area.

                           I will keep you informed, girls.  I will post later if I am able.

                           Take care, everyone!



  1. That was no earthquake dear. I am certain what you felt is the great Godzilla getting ready to re-emerge from the depths up to the surface to start his havoc and reclaim!!

  2. Mistress Maddie,
    How I wish! For havoc, he could start with Washington DC, Mar a Lago, and Trump Tower in NYC.
    Have a wonderful day, dear. Maybe some peppermint tea?
