Saturday, April 6, 2024

I Had An Accident Yesterday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! But Not Related To Incontinence! Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, it was not enough that we had an earthquake.  As David said yesterday, "What is next? Locusts?"

                                 Honey child had a point.  Because yesterday, while I was out doing errands--some minor food shopping, picking up medications, and dropping books I was not keeping at our local Little Free Library-- something unexpected happened.

                                    I was walking down Ovington Avenue, preparing to go back to our apartment on Ridge Blvd.  Some workers were creating a new sidewalk section, so I had to walk around it.  No problem.  But when I stepped on the curb to go up onto where I could walk, my right foot stopped, and before I could stop it, hands extended, I knew I was in for a fall.  I landed hard on the sidewalk, and stayed there, in a state of shock, unsure what to do next.  I cried out and moaned, but do you think anyone came to help?  No!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, what happened to compassion??????????????

                                     I debated about calling 911.  But the way I fell, my head did not hit the pavement, thank God.  I was in pain, and not sure if I could move.  I turned to the side, braced myself, and, like Scarlett, pulled myself up.  I could walk, but my palms, and knees were covered in painful, bloody abrasions.  And my left hand was sore.  I can bend it back, but it hurts to do so.

                                      I got home, washed the wounds, and applied antiseptic.  The pain was excruciating.  I took Tylenol, but I am telling you, I needed something stronger.  Like a couple of Sea Breezes.  I was not sure if I would sleep last night, because every time I turned--Ouch!  But I eventually fell asleep and was compensated by pleasant dreams.

                                         But, girls, I ask you what is next?  I can tell you.  Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a screening of "Gone With The Wind," for its 85th Anniversary.  I love seeing it on the big screen.   I expect to have eggs thrown at us and calls of "Racist!" flung at us by protesters, as we go into the theater simply to see a classic film.

                                            And now we are faced with an eclipse.  Well, I have no intention of even participating in it.  I am going to stay in here, and write furiously, or watch TV.  I have had enough!

                                           Are we approaching the Apocalypse?  Because if we are, I have to go shopping at Balenciaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                            I have to look my best, for the Second Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. How alarming! My poor RQ! So sorry to hear you had such a severe tumble, but glad you seem to have made it through relatively unscathed. If you can get an appt quickly with your GP, it might be worth having some cursory imaging done to be certain you didn't incur any hidden hairline fractures.
