Saturday, April 6, 2024

You're On Your Own, With This One, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             To be sure, David and I, with Baby Gojira, Kerwyn, and Cucumbo, will watch it, but this is one film I never heard of before.

                               For his first April film, "Svengoolie" is showing 1964's "The Time Travelers."  It has a cast of unknowns who went nowhere, and from the poster, it seems to involve time travel--of course! --but the presence of a monster in the poster suggests a redo of "It!  The Terror From Beyond Space" (1958), which foreshadowed Ridley Scott's "Alien," 22 years later, in 1980..

                                  Truthfully, dolls, I don't know what we are in for.  If you watch, we will all be experiencing the unknown in real time.

                                    Which fits this week perfectly, after experiencing an earthquake!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Since you were bored out of your skull by "The Night Walker", "Gargoyles" and "Shadow Of The Cat" I'd venture to guess this will have you in a veritable coma within minutes.

    Unfortunately for me, you do not share my appreciation for certain aspects of certain B films: what entertains me to no end makes your eyes roll back until they get stuck. So I'll probably need to add this to my small but growing list of movies we can't bond over. :>)

    For those who grew up in the '70s when this was in heavy rotation on 4:30 movie and Late Late Show, "The Time Travellers" is fondly remembered for its central gimmick, its fun cast, and inventive style on minimal budget. The standout scene burned in the retinas of '70s kids involves the android demonstration, which employs some clever vaudeville trickery that looks almost as seamless as optical special effects.

    A few years later, the writer/director used much the same premise for the final episode of the iconic original Outer Limits TV series. That was also an intense mind-screw for any kid watching at the time, as the time element predicament renders a frantic parent unable to rescue their small child from inevitable impending death (being crushed by an oncoming tanker truck).

    Aside from "Cat Women On The Mood", this may also be the only B movie that was ever completely remade less than five years later for no apparent reason. The new version was "Journey To The Center Of Time", which remarkably has equal but different charms, esp the cast which include Gigi Perreau.

    The "Time Travelers" cast isn't well known, true, but they were veterans in the making. Villain John Hoyt has played such shady smarmy characters for decades, including the famous three armed martian in the classic Twilight Zone "diner invasion" episode. Ingenue Merry Anders was in "How To Marry A Millionaire" and did loads of TV guest star roles. Philip Carey was in several big movies, some B pics like this, then became a household name as the patriarch of popular daytime soap "One Life To Live".

    Writer director Ib Melchior made other B movie staples like "Angry Red Planet", "Death Race 2000"etc, and also came up with the idea for Irwin Allens "Lost In Space" TV series.
