Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Note Of Concern About Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                David and I always get up on Sundays at 8AM, so we can be by the radio by 8:35. when 1010 WINS broadcasts a weekly commentary from Sister Camille D'Arienzo of The Sisters Of Mercy.  I especially wanted some inspiration for the day, because I had to leave quickly to sing with the choir at St. Andrews' 11PM Mass in Bay Ridge.

                              Alas, the time came and went.  No Sister Camille.  First, I was angry, but then, David, with his wisdom, expressed concern, that maybe something happened; that she was not well, or maybe had some sort of personal tragedy.  The station made no explanation or apology.  So, I am taking a step forward, saying--

                              All out there reading my blog, say a prayer or express good wishes for Sister Camille.  As far as I am concerned, she is a living saint; they walk among us, humble and mostly unknowing, but having listened to Sister Camille for fourteen years, she has become a source of inspiration.   David said do my vocal performance, knowing Sister Camille was behind me, and I did, and it came off beautifully.

                                Still no word on Sister Camille.  So, say a prayer or make a wish for this wonderful woman.

                                She is the calm, amidst a sea of trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I will say a prayer on her behalf!!
    She rarely misses a week, right?

  2. Victoria,
    Right, she hardly misses. I have not been able to
    find out anything but we are hoping for the best.
