Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"I Won't Forget. You BET I Won't Forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                             How many on here recognize that line as the one that propels the two hours plus drama of "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?"  Well, all of us have things we cannot forget having been done to us, but I have to give it to Sarah Paulson for airing out her dirty laundry with the elusive but nervy Trish Hawkins.

                                Who is Trish Hawkins?  Back in 1980, she was very much the up-and-coming ingenue of Broadway, via her heartbreaking performance as Sally Talley in Lanford Wilson's play, "Talley's Folly."  I was so impressed by her performance, that I got her autograph, which she gave graciously.

                                    But Trish did not fulfill her promise.  Sure, she did some TV work, but she never became what was revealed in "Talley's Folly."  The last I heard, she was in some writing group with a former coworker of mine, up in New Paltz, New York.

                                     Now, what does this have to do with Sarah Paulson??????????

                                    Well, 33 years later, in 2013, Sarah, along with Danny Burstein, did a revival of "Talley's Folly."  Through a connection I do not understand, Sarah's mother knew Trish Hawkins, and brought her to see her daughter perform in the play.

                                      Trish came.  But apparently was so appalled by what she saw that she furiously wrote six pages--six pages! --of notes, to give to Sarah, on how the role should be played.  Yes, she originated the part, but how could Sarah play it Trish, since she is not she???????????????

                                        I would have given it to Trish right then and there.  But Sarah was smart.  She kept those notes, and as her star continues to rise, chose the right moment to air them.  It must feel good for Sarah, and I applaud her.

                                         What's up with you, Trish?  Hey, Sarah, I hope you win the TONY on June 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. what IS up with Trish?!!
    sounds Bitter!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I have a feeling something happened to Trish along the way.
    She never topped or equaled "Talley's Folly." Maybe she had
    personal problems that got in the way of her career, or perhaps
    she was difficult to work with. I remember her performance as Sally
    vividly, and it saddens me that someone with such promise was not able
    to fulfill it.

    And telling someone else how to play a role? Judge not, lest ye be judged!
