Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Now, THIS Is How One Goes To Broadway, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This, girls, is Gloria Vanderbilt--yes, darlings! --going to the opening night of the Truman Capote-Harold Arlen musical "House Of Flowers," at the Alvin Theatre on December 30, 1954.  I was just about six weeks old.

                                        But this is how I would dress, had I gone.  In fact, all of us should think about how we look going into a Broadway show, especially with the prices being charged.  There is no excuse for trampy cut-off dungaree shorts, halter tops, or tank tops on men. Ewwwwwwwwww!

                                          One doesn't have to wear Schiaparelli, though I personally would love to, but I can find things in my closet to wear that are more acceptable than how too many tourists dress for the Broadway theater, like they are going to a barbecue place, or something.

                                              Part of the pleasure in theatergoing is the elegance, and it seems to be sadly missing today.

                                               Next time you get tickets to a show, girls, don't just throw something on.  Choose wisely and carefully.

                                                 It will make you feel like Gloria and heighten the experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. How often do we lament the lack of class and elegance these days!!!
    In clothing, in speech, and in behavior!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Right on all counts! When I flew to CA in 1964 with my parents--it was my first flight ever--I was dressed in a suit, and my parents were dressed. Gone are those days!
