Sunday, May 5, 2024

Attention All Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Darlings, it is my duty to inform you that starting tomorrow I will have limited access to my computer, and thus will only be writing from Wednesday on.  This is because David will be working remotely on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Meaning I will have to churn out posts faster than before.  And maybe I can get more reading done!

                                     I wanted to inform you to make sure you knew everything is OK, and there is nothing wrong.  I have not forsaken my readers, and I do not intend to.

                                       Just that new posts will not pop up till midweek.

                                       See you, then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for letting us know!!
    Have you had any volunteering opportunities??
    I’m looking to do something productive too; it’s easy to get into a rut!!
    Pet sitting has been fun and rewarding, and the people are Much more respectful and appreciative than when I was doing daycare!!

  2. Victoria,
    Right now I am still busy with the church choir. We are doing a program for Pentecost Sunday, May 19, at the 11PM mass. I had no idea you had done day care. I would love to pet sit, but allergies would get in the way.
