Wednesday, May 8, 2024

This Is A Very Special Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It was fourteen years ago today that David and I first met.  The sad part is the place we met no longer exists.  That place was the Riviera Cafe, on Seventh Avenue South, not far from Christopher Street.  Today, it is a decaying shell of its former self.  I hate to think about it.

                               The day was Saturday, and I had just finished a day of work; I think I worked till 6PM that day.  It was raining, and I had a rainbow umbrella, which I called my "Umbrellas Of Cherbourg" umbrella.  I can still recall the green patterned shirt David wore, and I think I wore my blue and yellow striped Ralph Lauren.  The meeting went fabulously, and I knew I wanted to see him again.  

                                  On that meeting, the deal was sealed for me.  Why?  Because as he bid me farewell at the subway, he called me "dear."  I have not forgotten that and knew then David was the one.

                                   So, it began.  Seven years later we got married, and two years later moved from our residences to here in Bay Ridge.  Twelve years here come the 22nd or 23rd.

                                   But this day was really the most important one, allowing all else to happen.  I was 55 and thought my chances were naught!  And Look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I thank God and Mary for David every day.

                                     And, girls, as I attest, there is hope for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. It IS sad that the Place is in ruin however, your Relationship is strong and that’s what Matters!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Yes, you are right. So many landmarks of my youth gone, due to greed or the pandemic.
