Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Forty-Seven Years Ago, Yesterday...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Yes, darlings, forty-seven years ago yesterday, I graduated from Seton Hall University with a B.A. in Communications.  I was going to be a journalist.  I was going to be the head drama/film critic of The New York Times before I was 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Or so I thought on this highlight of days, which I remember best because of a picture taken of my father, my mother, and my Aunt Kathleen ("Katty") who was my godmother.  That picture, which I treasure as I miss them so much and wonder what they would think on how things turned out with me, is kept hidden in a box in a closet.  On the 50th Anniversary--not that far, girls! --of this event--I will bring it out and try to post it on here.

                                              I thought then the world was my oyster.  But, like Scarlett, I had no idea of a number of things I had to, like she, survive, including my mother's passing less than two years after my graduation.

                                                 Nevertheless, I look back on this day with pride.  Pride that both my parents lived to see it, and pride that I have come a long way since then in ways I never, ever anticipated.  Which is good.

                                                   If Seton Hall was founded in 1856, and my years there were 1973-1977, that means I attended during years 117-121!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Happy, Happy to all SHU'ers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. do you believe loved ones watch over us from heaven??
    my church doesn’t seem to believe that, but I do.
    Guardian Angels!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am not sure what the RC church call on this is, but I do firmly believe it.
