Friday, May 17, 2024

If "Fatal Attraction" Were Done Today, Would It Play Out Differently????????????????????

                                     Absolutely.  Because, darlings, everything that bothered me about the original would be eliminated in today's culture, which would not allow for such bogus sexism.  But, first let me introduce you to the cast.
                         Amy Adams, as Alex Forest.  Sparkling and beautiful, Amy, just from this photo can play edgy.  Anyone having seen her in "Sharp Objects" knows she can act disturbed.  But in this version justice would be served; Alex would be seen more as a victim, and she would make Dan guilty at the end.  There would be no bunny boiling, or exoneration for Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Adam Sandler, as Dan Gallagher--This role requires someone with sleaze.  Back in 1987, Michael Douglas was America's sleazeball; today it is Adam Sandler.  Besides that, Adam has attempted some serious dramatic roles, and has come off well in them, which I would never expect.  And the idea of him landing someone as gorgeous as Amy Adams, and then taking her on as an opponent--oh, boy!!!!!!!!!!  Audiences would instantly cheer for Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Blake Lively--Here is where the Anne Archer factor comes into the play.  In the 1987 original, many, not just I, wondered why Dan would tryst with Glenn Close, when Anne Archer was so much more beautiful.  But by having Blake Lively play Beth, Dan has two powerhouse beauties, so the question of what the hell does he want anyway is even more apparent.  As for Blake, just look at her work in "A Simple Favor."  She may not be Meryl Streep, but she can act!!!!!!!!!!  This would make the triangle dynamic more interesting.
                     Now, who would play Ellen Gallagher, Dan and Beth's daughter?  In the original, she was played by some androgynous looking thing, so we can't have that!  With all the constant references to "Madame Butterfly," which would be retained, I think Ellen should be played by a puppet, as done at The Met Opera.  Ellen is really inconsequential to the whole thing, so who could care if a puppet were playing her?  Besides, she is totally innocent in all of this, and did not deserve to be kidnapped or have her rabbit boiled.  So, leave Ellen alone, and have a puppet play her.

                       As to the ending, it would be radically different.  Alex would not kill herself, but incriminate Dan, but Beth would find no tape.  Alex would have vanished as swiftly as she came into Dan's life; no one would be able to find her; she gets away with it.  Beth would call their lawyer.  Before Dan is hauled off in the car, she goes up to him, and smacks him across the face, which would make the audience cheer.  Edit to a shot of Dan behind bars.  Then close in on a shot of Beth screaming out to the neighborhood from her front door, "We are done!"  She slams the door shut, gets the house, and that is the end of the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          That is how "Fatal Attraction" would play out today.  Back in 1987, there was no Me Too; it was still He Says culture.  Well, no more!  The characters in this film will get the due they deserve rather than what the sexist filmmakers wanted 37 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            And I am telling you, girls, this version would not be ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. your casting and Alternative Ending ideas are Inspired!!!
    that’s the mystery isn’t it; why so many guys cheat with a less attractive individual.
    opportunity? no moral compass ??
    or perhaps it’s as simple as, cheaters cheat.

  2. Victoria,
    It was always a mystery to me why he strayed with Glenn Close when Anne Archer was so much more attractive. But having two equally attractive woman ups the ante. I don't know why men cheat. Speaking as a gay community member, I see less monogamy there, and I think the reason is variety. It sounds childish, I know, but, then so is cheating.

    Cheaters do NOT prosper.
