Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Some Recent Reads, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             In spite of all going on, I have managed to read some interesting, and in some cases very satisfying books.   Let me give you a rundown.
                                 "Weyward," by Emilia Hart--This debut novel surprised me.  I do not usually read fantasy, but I had heard good things about this one, and they were right.  A generational saga of witchcraft through the ages, it may not be up to Anne Rice, but it is the best thing out there going, I think.  For those who crave this genre, I can promise you a satisfying read.
                                            "The Teacher," by Frieda McFadden--Frieda McFadden is at it again.  The Bennetts, a married couple, one an English teacher, the other Math, turn out to be two of the most despicable instructors, let alone married folk you would want as neighbors.  McFadden skillfully makes seemingly sympathetic people unsympathetic monsters, showing the twisted side of human nature.  But the real twist was one I did not see coming, and when it hit--WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This is good to read to cleanse the palate after devouring a high brow tome.
                                         "The Husbands," by Holly Gramazio--I cannot believe Jenna picked this one; I usually like her selections.  I finished it, but I was just as confused as when I began it.  The author cannot make up her mind whether she wants to go in a "Twilight Zone" or socio-sexual satire direction.  As a result, she tries both, and neither is successful.  I can't say it is bad, but I would not recommend any of my readers on here picking this one up.
                                    "This Strange Eventful History," by Claire Messud--Finally, darlings, a book I found so satisfying I did not want it to end.  The author of "The Emperor's Children" has done it again. This is a rich, tapestried family saga of an Algerian family and their struggles and travels through the generations.  I felt so sorry for Denise.  You will have to read why.  I actually think this book could turn up on my top five list at the end of the year.  We will have to see, as time progresses.

                                           Let me just end by saying I am more than halfway through a wonderful novel by one of my favorite authors.  She never disappoints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Till the next book chat, dolls, ta ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Please tell me what happens to Denise!!!

  2. Victoria,
    Denise ends up the quintessential spinster--sad and alone. It didn't have to be that way, but she would not adapt.
