Thursday, May 30, 2024

How Is This For A Horror Film, Darlings???????????? "House Of Spinsterhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



                                "Spinsterhood--The ultimate horror!  Murder, madness, insanity!"

                                 What a tagline, girls!  I got the idea from re-watching the old 1970 trash made-for TV classic, "How Awful About Allan," wherein both Julie Harris and Joan Hackett play two anguished spinsters.

                                  "House Of Spinsterhood" would be a cross between Ingmar Bergman's 1972 "Cries And Whispers," and Roman Polanski's 1965 "Repulsion."  In a secluded, haunting Victorian style home, all spinsters are held captive, and the viewer watches them go systematically mad, as they have no choice!!!!!!!!!!!!  The claw the walls, scratch at themselves, and just have a good old time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    If one dies, her spirit haunts the place as another living spinster comes to take her place.

                                   Can these women escape such madness?  Will it take a man to help them escape?????????

                                    My idea has not gotten that far.  Though I think it will take more than that!

                                     Beware "House Of Spinsterhood!"

                                     Maybe coming to a theater near you in the future, darlings??????????????



  1. in the ups n downs of my forty year marriage, I’ll be honest I may have longed for spinsterhood a time ot two!!!
    the old adage is, girls get married hoping the guy will change, guys get married hoping the girl will NOT change!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I always mourned my spinsterhood, really thinking I was going to end up like Blanche Du Bois.
    Already I have an idea for a sequel--"Psycho Spinsters," where the spinsters avenge themselves on the men who rejected them. They devour them alive!
