Friday, May 31, 2024

We Come To The End Of May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Five-Twelfths Of 2024 Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The month of flowers, Fatima, seeing "Mother Play" and "Just Another Day" is now at an end.

                                May was also a month of remembrance--birthdays, my open-heart surgery, doctor appts., a lack of movies to go to, and most of all, looking forward to June, when the magical time of the year appears, and, please, good wishes for David as he undergoes surgery on the 12th.

                                 As for me, there is not much to write except to say May was good to us--I did another choral performance--so it is a fond farewell.

                                And just wait till June. Starting tomorrow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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