Friday, June 14, 2024

Before Having A Mimosa To Drink, Wouldn't It Be Nice To Have Some Mimosa Flowers On The Table??????????????


                                    Hons, I certainly could use a Mimosa!  Several, in fact.  Like the time I consumed five of them at a morning office party, and then went on the reference desk during the hours of 12 through 6.  Those hours flew by, let me tell you, and I felt so good, I was extra nice.

                                      But that was then, and this is now.  I have not consumed orange juice in years, what with acid reflux and my diabetes.  But after the previous week, I am telling you I would risk one Mimosa!

                                         Never without mimosa flowers on my table, while I drink the beverage.  I mean, this SO de rigeur, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Remember, dears, to have flowers on your table, when you drink Mimosas!

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