Friday, June 14, 2024

It Was A Tough Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, it really was. Starting with the lighter stuff, I finished "Butter," by Asako Yuzuki, then started "The Last Devil To Die, by Richard Osman, but more on those in another post.

                            The major event this week was David's journey to and from the hospital.  On June 12, we went, as he was scheduled for prostate surgery, which both of us assumed would be an outpatient procedure.  We were wrong.  Before he went in, then under, he was told they were keeping him overnight.  The hospital was Lutheran/NYU Langone, not far from us in Bay Ridge.

                             The surgical procedure took less than two hours, and no, he did not have to go to Baghdad. darlings.  That is what I was afraid of.  When I got to him in the recovery unit, he was groggy from the anesthesia.  He was not his regular self.  He was confused, tired, and in pain.  Well, who wouldn't be, after this?  Me, I would be screaming like hell!  I stayed with David, who then ordered me to leave at 7PM, to be sure I would be home safe, before dark, and could have my usual quiet evening of reading till 9:30, watching the second half of "48 Hours," then "Judge Judy" from 10PM till 11PM, and then the CBS News.

                              I did all this, but let me tell you, I did it all robotically.  My reading comprehension never left me, but a feeling of strangeness, a void, an absence was present all about the apartment.  I wondered if a ghost, straight out of Dickens, would appear, but then it is not Christmas, and I am not a miser.

                                I missed David dearly, but with Baby Gojira and Little Pippin, plus Cucumbo taking care of me, I was somehow able to bare it, knowing he was safe in the hospital, which is just a mile from our apartment, and God forbid, if anything went wrong, he would be in the right place to get immediate attention.

                                  Nothing went wrong, thank God.  Except David awakened me at 6:30 AM to tell me to get to the hospital by 10AM, as he was being discharged.  I had coffee, ate breakfast, and showered, but it was "wash and go," darlings.  This morning as well, as we had to be at the ambulatory center near us by 10AM, so the doctor could take out David's catheter.  He did, and David is home, and I am happy to report, urinating.

                                  So, this is why I have not posted much lately.  I will try to make up for that, but the important thing is David is his old self--even after surgery, he still walks faster than I--and now I know what Scarlett went through when Melanie had the baby!  I was Scarlett, darlings!  And, like her I summoned all my strength.  And designer outfits!

                                    A special thanks to St. Bernadette and Sister Camille D'Arienzo, who I know were with me on the way.

                                     What a week.  May we not have another--at least for a long while!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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