Sunday, June 9, 2024

Darlings, I Want To Be A Kit Kat Club Girl In "Cabaret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          Of course, you know, girls, I want to play Sally Bowles, but one step at a time!

                         What may not be known is that the biggest lesbian hangout in Manhattan is not downtown.  It is not The Cubbyhole or Henrietta's On Hudson.  It is The August Wilson Theatre up on West 52nd Street, where the current revival of "Cabaret" is playing.

                         Of course, now it is entitled "Cabaret At The Kit Kat Club."  Soon it will re-titled "Cabaret At The Clit Kat Club," because, darlings, I am telling you, lesbians on both sides of the Hudson are flocking to this garish, hyper-sexualized "American Horror Story" rip-off.  They sit there scarfing down their drinks and having a grand old lesbian time.  The butcher, the better.

                             Gay Theater Queens had best beware.  They could OD on estrogen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Rumor has it that our neighbor across the street, Florence, is there at every performance.  The Dykes On Bikes missed last night because of Park Slope Pride.

                               What I want to know is how they afford it?  This could be the highest priced show in town.

                               The song says, "Come to the cabaret."  But how is one to pay for it???????????


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