Saturday, June 8, 2024

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is Charlotte Neuville Becoming The New Sylvia Weinstock?????????????????????


                           On September 7, 2023, I did a post about Ten Cake Studio, in our neighborhood of Bay Ridge.  It is still in business, at Third Avenue and 86th Street.  As of the posting last year, I hinted they may be the new Sylvia Weinstock.  And I had high hopes for them and wish them continued success.

                             However, I have a feeling they may have been supplanted by Charlotte Neuville, and her Cakes And Confections Store is at 215 West 29th Street, in Manhattan.  That it is in Manhattan helps, as Manhattan beats all.  But that is not the reason why Charlotte may be the new Sylvia.

                                Charlotte personally designed show themed cakes for ANNA WINTOUR!  That is right, girls, ANNA!  The occasion was her annual TONY Awards Dinner, to which I was not invited!
Humph!  So, with this on her resume I am sure Charlotte's business will go through the roof!  If you do a good job for ANNA, you are set!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Just look at these fabulous creations.  I especially like the cake for the little girl.  I would not  mind having it, myself!

                                        We are considering having Charlotte design a birthday cake for Baby Gojira's 20th birthday party, come August.  Charlotte, once you have done ANNA and The Raving Queen, believe me, you are set.

                                            But would you be able to design a "Song Of Bernadette"/Lourdes cake for me??????????????????


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