Saturday, June 8, 2024

Girls, Let Me Tell You, Skip This One Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have to admit the poster does look pretty good, a usual indicator that it is better than the actual movie.  And in the case of "The Monolith Monsters," that is correct.

                              This 1957 film, which "Svengoolie" is presenting tonight, does not deserve a second viewing. If you have never seen it before, sure, because it is worth it to see the nasty little girl who starts it all; and justice should have been meted out to her.

                                It has a cast of Fifties actors who went on to television--Grant Williams, Lola Albright, and William Schallert, forever known as Patty Duke's father.

                                But the monsters are boring as hell.  Not to be vulgar, darlings, but they look like gigantic, moving turds!  I kid you not!  Who wants to see that crap?  Literally!

                                 While not as bad as "The Ghost And Mr. Chicken," it is pretty close.  First timers will see what I mean; anyone having already seen it is advised to stay away.

                                    As for what we will watch instead, I will post online, when I know, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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