Friday, June 7, 2024

Here Is A Play FOR The People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                     "An Enemy Of The People" begins with the sounds of Scandinavian musical instruments and folk songs.  These are threaded throughout the production and come at the audience full throttle during what is described as a "pause," but which has much to do with the play at hand.

                                         Having never read nor seen this play, and doubting in my lifetime that it would be revived again, I came to this production eagerly, and, darlings, I was not disappointed.

                                          The run was supposed to end on June 9, but it has been extended to the 16th which is TONY day.  A pity it cannot run indefinitely, for this is a feast for real theatergoers.

                                          Michael Imperioli is one hell of a fine actor.  His character, Peter Stockman, the Mayor of the Norwegian town where the play is set, could very easily have been played as a mustache polishing villain.  But Sam Gold, who directed the production, has Imperioli play this with such understatement that it almost humanizes him, whether or not one disagrees with his views.  This is a play where, dangerously, things could get too histrionic, but Gold's direction never allows for that.  Every actor plays their roles with an understated strength.

                                             Most impressively so is Mr. Jeremy Strong, as Imperioli's brother, Dr. Frederick Stockman.  His performance is hot and electric, and my favorite to win the TONY Award on June 16.  At the climactic moment, when he rips his shirt off, I could see audience members fanning themselves with Playbills!  Including yours truly!!!!!!!!!!  Mr. Strong is HOT, and his performance is so impassioned, but one can see the restraint it takes for him to perform this extremely demanding role.  Especially the second act monologue which goes on for almost half an hour.  My personal vote went to Frederick Stockman, who mirrors our own Dr. Anthony Fauci, a living saint, whose views coalesce with Stockman's.  This, I am sure, is due to the playwright Amy Herzog, who retranslated Ibsen's play, and to a degree has modernized it.  In lesser hands this could lower the show's impact but here it only enhances it.

                                               The best acting duel in town is by Imperioli and Strong.  See them as soon as you can.  This "Enemy Of The People" will be one to remember for the age.

                                                 And you thought I was just a dizzy Theater Queen, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So glad you got to see it!!
    and had to fan yourself !!!!

  2. Victoria,
    It was riveting and wonderful. Definitely the right choice.
    I doubt it will be revived again, and if so will be hard pressed to
    surpass this production!
