Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday--Pride Week Song--Amber Riley Singing "MacArthur Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 I know, girls, I know, you were expecting me to choose "Over The Rainbow."  Well, its greatness will be forever, so, when I heard Amber Riley's fresh take on the classic "MacArthur Park," I was again draw to the sense of romanticism it first had for me, when I was twelve years old.  Yes, darlings, for many years, I defined love by "MacArthur Park.

                             Of course, that was a long time ago, darlings.  But the music, with Amber's take, is still alluring, and to me seems perfect for Gary Pride.  Keep your eyes on the nice blond young man doing the piano parts.  Not only is he cute, but he is technically brilliant.

                               This song means many things to many people.  It still even puzzles some. But one cannot escape its allure.

                                Gays, and maybe not, will dance to it automatically.  Many will see a poetic ballet piece in their heads, or just be swept away for its nearly seven minutes by the sheer poetry of the piece.

                                  Romantic, poetic, questioning, and haunting, I think this is the perfect song for Gay Pride.

                                   But don't take my word for it.  Listen.
                                     Go, Amber!  And her pianist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. we saw the actual MacArthur Park when we went to California!!
    In passing.
    what little I saw of it, was disheartening.
    apparently, like so many parks, it has become a hotbed of drugs and crime.

  2. Victoria,
    How disappointing to hear. I always wanted to see the park myself,
    hoping it would match my romantic vision. How sad to hear your repot.
