Saturday, June 29, 2024

Girls, I Promise You, If You Have Already Seen It, You Can SKIP "The Undead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               I think this is Svengoolie's way of airing a tribute to Roger Corman, who passed on April 5, by broadcasting one of his films on Sven's Saturday night program.  I think the idea is great, but the choice wrong, because this is really not a very good film, and Roger Corman made better films, more deserving to be aired, than this.  Like "It Conquered The World," with Cucumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Really, darlings, I know it has Alison Hayes, pictured here in all her bosomy glory, and it has a dance sequence that would foreshadow "She Demons" the following year, which would outdo it, but really that is all here that is worth watching.

                                 Roger Corman was noted for doing things on the cheap, but this film takes that idea to new heights, having been shot over the course of seven days in an abandoned supermarket.  But I give the filmmakers credit--the viewer cannot tell when the actors are in the frozen food section!!!!!!!!

                                  Again, for those already having seen it, do not watch it.  Better to stick your head in the freezer for several seconds, just to cool off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And on the eve of Pride, too!  Why not "I Was A Teenage Werewolf," "Blood Of Dracula," or that howler, "Earth Vs. The Spider?"

                                  What is it with these programmers?  "Svengoolie," Channel 13, The Film Forum, they all have been making terrible choices lately.

                                     "The Undead" will not seduce you, darlings.  It will lull you to sleep.  But that's not such a bad idea, is it?

                                       Anyway, skip it!  I will let you know what we watch, instead.


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