Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Bloomsday, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This is quite a day, girls.  It is my niece's birthday, and Father's Day--and my niece was actually born on Father's Day on this day, back in 1968.  It is also TONY Awards Day, and I know all my girls cannot wait for that.

                             Mos importantly, this is Bloomsday.  According to literary lore, this is the day on which the novel "Ulysses" takes place, in 1904, as it follows the central character, Leopold Bloom, on the way home to his wife, Molly.  The story also goes that this is the day on which James Joyce met Nora, the woman who was destined to become has wife--but fortunately things don't end tragically for this Nora, as they did for the one in A.J. Cronin's "The Keys Of The Kingdom."

                                On this day, I usually stand in the middle of my living room, clutching Joyce's text, and reading aloud, as best I can, Molly Bloom's soliloquy.  So, today, girls, I want you all to throw yourselves back on the bed, at some time of day, and cry, as orgiastically as you can, "Yes, I said, yes I said, yes...Yes....YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   I mean, what else is Bloomsday for, dears?????????????????????????


  1. I did it too!!!
    Parts of it anyway!
    Grandchildren were Not Impressed
    don’t worry, you Know I’m planting seeds of literature, art, music, and Fashion!!!!!!

  2. Victoria,
    A child would not be impressed. But give them time, and good for you! They ae lucky to have you as a grandmother.
