Sunday, June 16, 2024

Summer Is Coming, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And You Certainly Don't Want To Look Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Darlings, I cannot emphasize how important it is at this time of year not only to moisturize, but to wear sunscreen.  And my dermatologist would certainly agree.

                           This is why I would never live in a Southern climate.  I would constantly be moisturizing, sun screening, taking a shower and changing my outfit each time I came in from outside during the day.  Think what the laundry load or cleaner's bill would be like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The poor guy pictured above did not use anything and look what happened.   No galas for him.  Even Blanche Du Bois looked better when she was being carted off to the loony bin.  But then, remember all those baths Blanche took?  Believe me, she, and Vivien Leigh herself, would understand what I am saying.  I would bet Bette Davis, Olivia De Havilland, and even Agnes Moorhead followed my regimen during the filming of "Hush....Hush, Sweet Charlotte."

                              It would not hurt, during extremely hot weather, to carry an umbrella, or better yet, a parasol.  But please do not look pretentiously conspicuous. like Anne Heche in Gus Van Sant's abominable redo of "Psycho."

                               Yes, dolls, the heat wave is coming.

                                "The temperature's rising.  It isn't surprising. We certainly can can-can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



  1. in the brutal Texas heat, I’ve taught my grandchildren an impromptu “game”
    how Ninja Nana zips from shade to shade!!!!
    never allow that blazing sun on you for a second longer that necessary!!!

  2. Victoria,
    I am with you. I would want to learn that game, too.
