Sunday, June 16, 2024

It's TONY Awards Day, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Here Are My Faves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Not only should the following win, but they had also damn well better!   

                          Here we go--

                             "Merrily We Roll Along--Nominated for seven TONY Awards, this should win five.  This year has marked justice for 'Merrily' and has vindicated all of us who had faith in the show, since 1981. It SHOULD win "Best Revival Of A Musical," "Best Leading Actor In A Musical, Jonathan Groff," Best Featured Actor In A Musical, Daniel Radcliffe," and Maria Friedman as "Best Director Of A Musical."  And Lindsay Mendez, to complete the trio, should damn well win over that bitch from "Hell's Kitchen!" This trio was so adorable and believable.  Jonathan Groff is a brilliant actor/singer and found a way to actually humanize Franklin Shepard as no other actor has.  Daniel Radcliffe is cute and adorable, but when he sang "Good Thing Going," it just broke my heart.  I have never been as moved by anyone's rendition of that song as I was by his.  And Lindsay Mendez was something I thought impossible to find--the equal to Ann Morrison's Mary Flynn.  I knew from the start Lindsay would be perfect.  When she sang "Help me stop remembering then," in "Like It Was," oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This evening should belong to 'Merrily,' and I know all lovers of the show out there, will agree with me!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Celia Keenan-Bolger, in "Mother's Play--" She SHOULD be the winner of "Best Featured Actress In A Play."  Good as Jessica and Jim were, Celia walked off with the show.  But doesn't she always?  I mean, look at her; even from this photo one can detect acting at its most brilliant. What technique!  And her gifted ability to morph into any age or character is unequalled by anyone.  Not that I would, but were Celia not to win, it would be enough to make me throw something at the television set.  Go, Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                       "An Enemy Of The People--" Without question, Amy Herzog's redo of Ibsen's work should win "Best Revival Of A Play."  I mean, even among ardent theatergoers, how many know it?  And will it get revived again in our lifetimes?  Probably not, but if so, it will not be as definitive as this production.  I mean, back in the Eighties, at the same theater--Circle In The Square--I saw a brilliant revival of "John Gabriel Borkman," with E. G. Marshall, Ireme Worth, and Rosemary Murphy!!!!!!!  Has it been revived since?  No.  Could a cast like that be assembled today?  Well, if Meryl and Blythe are available!  But otherwise, no!  Same goes for "An Enemy Of The People."


                        Jeremy Strong, in "An Enemy Of The People--" Next to Celia, this was the best dramatic performance of the season, and he SHOULD win "Best Leading Actor In A Play."  His portrayal of Dr. Thomas Stockman is resonant, electric, and, especially in the climactic moments, HOT.  I am telling you, the audience, including myself, were fanning their Playbills.  Even in this shot, Mr. Strong resonates technique and hotness.  This should be his win, and it better be.  Oh, and I just want to say it was a shame Michael Imperioli was not singled out for his fine, understated performance.  His was the Yang to Strong's Ying.

                          There you have it, darlings, my favorites for tonight's TONY Awards.  May these choices win, and God help us if they don't.

                          But before I leave you, I wish to inspire you with a bit of Broadway when it WAS Broadway, to give you something to think about tonight.

                                  Here is "Who's That Woman?" from Sondheim's "Follies" with the 1971 original cast.  Hit it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!  When will we ever get a show or cast like this again?????????????  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!





  1. certain people THINK they have another “Follies”
    they do Not.

  2. Victoria,
    No, the 1971 original stands by itself. And the Michael Bennett choreography cannot be topped.
