Thursday, August 22, 2024

Welcome To Baby Gojira's 20th Birthday Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Baby Gojira's 20th birthday was celebrated last Sunday, with a gathering of his friends and fans.  It was the social event of the season!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                     Here is a shot of my lovely Baby Gojira and myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                            Baby Gojira carefully inspects his birthday cake, which was made to his specifications!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                       And here we all are, ready to celebrate Baby Gojira's birthday, with him seated in his special chair.  We all look like we are about to perform the opening number of "COMPANY."

                                       It was the happiest of days, for Baby Gojira and all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Beautiful friends!!
    Beautiful celebration!!
    I was there in spirit!!!

  2. Victoria, I know you were, and Baby Gojira appreciates. He would love to offer you a piece of his cake.
