Thursday, January 13, 2011

Darlings, Sometimes The Bitches Just Find You!!!!!

Girls, what a week it has been! While Joan Baez turned 70, Luise Rainer 101, and Margaret Whiting left us in her 80's, we also had that horrible supermarket shooting in Tuscon. Not since Tyler Clementi's death less than six months ago, has an incident so upset me. That poor Congresswoman still struggling for her life, that sweet, innocent child Christina Green, who had the world waiting for her, that unfortunate federal judge--all cut down damn well before their time by this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week award is Jared Loughner!!!!! The shooter!!!!!

Now, the first thing that must be said--have you looked at the eyes???? There is clearly a permanent look of derangement there. And have you seen him with the bald pate????? Darlings, he looks like the deranged grandson of Mr. Clean!!!!! Only Mr. Clean was hot, and with that ear ring, there was always a hint of sexual ambiguity about him. This guy is allegedly straight (and not a very strong endorsement for heterosexuality, darlings!!!!!), and not only is he insane, he does not know what he is insane ABOUT!!!!! Which is a true mark of insanity!!!!!

When the event was first reported, I thought the guy was some Right Winger who was taking out political rage on the Congresswoman, and anyone there, whom he thought of as her supporters. Now that turns out not to be so; the motives are more skewered, with issues like undistinguished reality involved????? Huh????? You want to live in a world of Fantasy, so you kill????? Honey, if that premise held true, every gay man would be institutionalized, because who better than us girls knows about getting through life on fantasy???? Whether it is Ethel Merman or Rue McClanahan!!!!!! Maybe Jared needed to be gay!!!!! Why is it always straight guys that do these things???? Makes me further glad I AM gay!!!!!

At least Norman Bates knew when to dress up and not. And I think we are going to see a replay of that scene in "Psycho" with Jared, where he is put away for LIFE!!!!! The only thing that surprises me about all this is that it did not happen in New Jersey!!!!!!!

So, yes, our Bitch Of The Week is Jared Loughner!!!! Hardly a lovable bitch, but a bitch nonetheless!!!!! And one with appalling fashion sense!!!!! Which proves he IS straight!!!!!

He takes the Class out of Bitch!!!! Let's hope next week someone brings it back!!!!!

Bitch, bitch, bitch, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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