Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Alas, Girls, Another Indicator Of The Passing Of An Era!!!!!!!!!!!

When I found out this morning, the news really didn't surprise me, darlings. Ever since the December 3, 2010 death of restauranteur Elaine Kaufman, I wondered how long, Elaine's would continue, or even if it would. This morning I found out the famed eatery is shutting its doors forever on May 26. And with it goes another part of New York City history, irreplaceable, whose legacy will be consigned only to quick shots in several earlier Woody Allen movies.

Elaine's, the restaurant, was one place I never thought would die. So, of course, I put off and put off going. It would always be around, I thought. I almost feel like I have betrayed my girls. I, who wanted to bring you via here, the glamour and allure of New York--and have, loves!!!--missed one of the high spots. A hangout for literary and artistic types, which God knows I am. The whole Woody Allen thing. You did not go to Elaine's for the food--same with Sardi's--but to see and be seen. And now that opportunity will never come to pass. True, I could walk in there during its last days, but how sad would that be, and without Elaine.

I have learned my lesson. If "The Fantasticks" could end its original run, if Elaine's could close, maybe Sardi's is not that far behind. I had better get there pronto.

At my own, red banquetted table, of course! With my picture hanging above!!!!!!!!

See you there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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