Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Darlings, Quincy Magoo Would Be Appalled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To my girls of a Certain Age, I do not have to explain who Quincy Magoo was. One of the most popular animated figures of our childhoods, whose "Christmas Carol," with its Styne-Merrill score, and Alistair Sim's version, defined adapting Dickens's story for posterity. When I was in fourth grade, and first told I would have to wear eyeglasses, because I was nearsighted, the first thing that went through my head was, "My God, I'm like Mr. Magoo."

I still have my Mr. Magoo pin which my Uncle Jack gave me as a child. Eventually, we all came to realize that Magoo was voiced by an actor named Jim Backus. By the time I first saw him, as Thurston Howell on "Gilligan's Island," it was impossible to look at Backus without seeing Magoo. The two seemed to be one.

What some may not remember is that Mr. Magoo was an alumnus of Rutgers University!!!! The class of 1903, or "ought-three," as he would say, to be specific.
This year has set new standards for the University, and that is NOT a compliment. I am sure Magoo is turning in his grave. The Tyler Clementi thing alone would have been enough. But have you heard the latest, girls????????????

For its Commencement Ceremonies, the Speakers Committee wanted to hire--are you ready?--"Jersey Shore's" no talent wannabe, Snookie!!!!! Why??????? Is this the image of the state they want to put forth???? After the Clementi debacle (which still has not fully played out yet) you would think they would be walking on egg shells, trying to maintain a good image!!!!!!!! And THIS is how they do it??????
I mean, if they wanted a Jersey Girl, what is the matter with Meryl Streep????????

However, as Bette Davis once said, it gets better!!!!! I guess someone got to the committee the idea that having Snooki was not such a good idea, so they went with a more apt choice--writer/poet Maya Angelou, author of the widely read "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings," and second only to Toni Morrison as America's prime Afro American Woman of Letters. But--did you know that they were going to offer her less, payment wise, for speaking, than Snooki??????????? Again, is Rutgers trying to destroy itself??????? Hopefully, by now this situation has been rectified, as Maya should be the high priced one. Snooki might be good for cutting the ribbon on the opening of a brand new Jersey fast food emporium, but to speak at the State University??????? As Yvonne Elliman as Mary Magdalene once said, "I never thought I'd come to this! What's it all about?"

Poor Mr. Magoo!!!!! I shudder to think which windows he might crash into today, driving along College Avenue. It would be both an accident and an act of civil disobedience.

Let us hope in the intervening passage of time, Rutgers makes wiser, more judicious decisions than they have shown this year, and in the past. Their track record is spotty, and if they don't wake up, people will air their dissatisfaction by decreased endowments and enrollments.

Did you know Rutgers was once the subject of a Broadway musical???? None other than the Jule Styne 1954 classic "High Button Shoes," with choerography by Jerome Robbins. Bring Rutgers back to its glory days!!!!! Do NOT upset Mr. Magoo!!!!!!!

I may just wear that pin in protest, darlings!!!!!!!! Make sure all your garnets are shiny and pristine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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