Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mother Of Mercy!!!!!!!!!!! Is This Really The Season Finale Of 'SVU'????????

Girls, it seems like just yesterday, as I sat in anticipation before the tube, staring at Joan Cusack's face blowing bubbles upward from the bottom of a bathtub, which kicked off this series 12th season. And what a season it has been. First, Joan, then Kate Burton as Annette Cole, and don't forget those powerhouse femmes from "Totem"--Elizabeth Mitchell, Agatha Nowicki (whom I actually met, and who is as sweet as Katie is lethal) and Lisa Banes. It has been a field day for actresses.

Tonight's episode, "Smoke" has a guest star whom I do not even recognize. Couldn't they throw in a biggie for the last episode? But the BIG news is there is going to be some kind of shootout in the precinct, and one of the characters will die. I have heard all kinds of rumors--Munch, Cragen, Dr. Huang, even Elliot and Olivia. I certainly hope it is not Dr. Huang; he is so cute, and who is going to explain these sickos to the audience????? That young officer who has been hanging around the last couple of segments, the one who almost got Elliot convicted for molestation--Officer Nelson, played by Edward Schneider--is my guess as to whom is going to get it. Interesting character, but not on long enough for people to get attached to. Even though B.D.Wong may be leaving for another series, I am sure he would love the option of coming back.

So, darlings, your guess is as good as mine as to what happens. Too bad they did not make this a two hour segment; now THAT would be exciting. Whatever, you know we will be discussing it on here tomorrow.

Season 12 is guaranteed to end with a BANG!!!!!!! Make sure yours does not end with the same kind of bang, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and by the way, we cannot wait for Sunday's "Killer Coed Marathon!" You just KNOW they will air my all-time favorite--"Mean!"

Set that recorder right now!!!!!!!!!!

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