Thursday, August 4, 2011

Girls, We Have Got To Talk About The Latest "Rizzoli And Isles!!!!!!"

I have been really out of it, darlings, for the last several days. Which is why on Monday eve, I was so loopy, I completely forgot to watch "Rizzoli And Isles,' which is one of raisons d'etre for Monday. Monsieur generously taped the latest episode for me, which I watched last night, and the results hovered between being one of the best, and frustrating!!!!!!!!!

The episode was entitled "Brown Eyed Girl,' suggested by the song lyric. It dealt with a young teenage girl, Mandy, who is abducted by a man and a woman--an unusual ruse that got my attention right away--and held captive.

The emotional wrenching of the segment was overwhelming. Both Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander evoked such compassion through their characters for the situation you could palpably feel it through the television screen. Of course, the hair and wardrobe were perfect!!!!!!! And the police procedural aspects of the case were fascinating.

So was Lorraine Bracco, as Angie Harmon's mother, working in the precinct cafeteria, dispensing coffee and wisdom. From Dr. Melfi, to this???????? Not that Lorraine does not do a great job, but it shows how tough the economy is, even on seasoned actors!!!!!!!!!!!

Where the episode went downhill was explanation or motive. I really wanted to know the modus operandi of the couple. Instead, we get the most surface information--he is a children's sports photographer who happens to be a pedophile, and recruits his victims through photos of whatever child catches his eye. The woman (I cannot remember her name) was even more difficult to gauge. First off, she had one of the worst hairstyles imaginable, which, to someone as old as Mandy, should have been a red flag not to get in the car with her!!!!!! It would have been to me!!!!!!! Then she had that annoying voice, which made me wonder, who is she--the guy's wife? Or one of his former victims who has aged out, but he has kept her around for purposes such as this? The explanation for her is the abused becoming the abuser, which is valid, but I wanted to know more of her story. Especially how she could bear to go about in public with that atrocious hairstyle!!!!!!!!!!

And, girls, I just LOVED when Angie grabbed her roughly, dragged her away and said, Now, you are gonna talk to ME!!!!!!!!!!" Go, Jane Rizzoli!!!!!!!!!!

Either the segment was too short to cover these points, or the writers were not interested in exploring them. Perhaps if they had been, and would continue to take this kind of interest "Rizzoli And Isles" would become the first rate female crime fighter show it so much wants to be, rather than just teetering on the brink!!!!!!!!!

But the suspense and emotional level were high!!!!! Let us hope both continue to be maintained, and improvements made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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