Thursday, August 4, 2011

So, He Is Fit To Stand Trial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, hold onto your hats, because today, with another court appearance, child killer Levi Aron was declared fit to stand trial.

When asked how he chose to plead he said, "Not guilty!"

Is he kidding??????????????

Now, if this goes to trial, and in this area, you had better be ready for a media circus, and a feeding frenzy. This is one jury I would not want to be on; but, then, the way I feel about this scum, I would be disqualified, anyway.

Levi Aron says he hears voices, who tell him to take his life, for what he did.
Obviously, those have not been heeded yet.

Others have heard him remark, with a degree of satisfaction, "I am famous."

And yet they are still talking about insanity. More and more, to me it looks like fame motivated Aron. And this is sure some sick way to get it. Why not shave off the beard, and try to impersonate Barbra???????

If this goes to trial here, you can bet I will somehow be in on it, even if I have to stand outside the courthouse. And I will report to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!

He can plead "Not Guilty" all he wants. It does not mean that verdict will be rendered. Because all of us who have followed this, plus Leiby Kletsky's family, and the Jewish communities ha has dishonored by his deed, all know that Levi Aron is guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I were Aron, I would be fearful. Being fit to stands trial means he could face regular prison. Where, I am sure, maybe not right away, but at some point, someone or someones will tear him apart!!!!!!!!

I don't think the "famous" Mr. Aron has thought that far ahead.

Enjoy your new found fame, Mr. Aron!!!!!!!!!!! Because you may not live long enough to gloat over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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