Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Think If I Had Gone Into The Sciences!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always had a huge admiration and respect for those able to excel in Math and the Sciences. Starting with my mother and sister, who were highly successful RN's. (That is Registered Nurse. Not Recurring Neurotic. And you know, in addition to wanting to be Nancy Drew, I always wanted to be Cherry Ames!!!!!) But it was not to be.

However, since I have been bitching about my past this week, let me keep right on going. I cannot say Math was ever my favorite subject in school, BUT I did well enough in it. I remember in first grade wanting to study algebra, and if I had been encouraged enough--who knows???? But the way things turned out in the upper grades, I was viewed disdainfully or ignored, so when it came time to select, in seventh grade, those of us entering eighth, who would take Algebra that year, I was pissed not to be one of those. Ironically, enough, neither was Roberta!!!!!!!! So you know mistakes were made all around.

Both Algebra and the Top Eighth Grade Math classes were taught by Mr. Robert Barber, the one I singlehandedly hold responsible for destroying any interest or aptitude I might have had in Math. Mr. Barber had disheveled hair and a disheveled wardrobe that always looked like he just got out of bed. Added to which, his jacket always had chalk all over it. His mode of teaching was simple--you either got it, or you did not. Forget going over, forget reviewing, forget after school help; his whole manner was as though he were simply not interested. I wonder what he was doing teaching, anyway?????

In his class I received the worst grades I ever did in all my school years. So, too, did many others. As for those who took Algebra, many, like Paula Weiss, had to repeat it again in Ninth Grade, not because they were not smart (I had known Paula, and knew she was) but because Barber was not a competent teacher.

We all knew the math and science professions paid more. I regret that, had I had better teaching, I might be in more august professional company. Alas!!!!!!!!! Not that I regret doing what I do. I just resent not getting the money I should!!!!!!! And that goes back to Mr. Barber!!!!!!!!!!!

My parents never pushed me; I pushed myself. Devastated with my performance that year, I sought help from the guidance office--together with Mr. Frankowksy, the science teacher (again, the worst grades, though a better teacher), they got Jonathan Weinstein to tutor me in math. He was glad to do it, and I actually liked Jonathan; who knows, we might have become friends. But I chickened out after a couple of sessions, because I was so ashamed of myself. Jonathan, if you ever read this, Thank you, and I apologize!!!!!!

One time I was over at my grandmother's house, an older child, expressing my fears about something. She said to me, "And you were going to be the one going into the cemetery at night, and digging up the dead bodies???" Because, in the lower grades, so fascinated was I by the "Frankenstein" story, that I wanted to be a mad scientist, and do the same thing Dr. Frankenstein did. In fact, one of my adult friends, Brett, actually told me he had tried to do such years ago, with a dead cat, and it just fizzled. He tells it better than I, and it is really funny. Forgive me, Brett!!!!!!!!

But I cannot forgive Mr. Barber. He should not have been teaching. Or else I should have been assigned someone more willing to work with me, so that I might succeed in Math.

Well, by now, I guess, Mr. Barber must be marking the days on his wall in the nursing home. That is, if he can still count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was the year we learned about the Empty Set, or the Null Set. Mr. Barber was the Null Teacher!!!!!!!!!

I will stop bitching now, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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