Sunday, December 9, 2012

Do You Think I Would Desert My Girls????????

                               Now, girls, I know it looks like I forsook you for awhile, but, believe me, I haven't.  It may seem as though my heart may have flown on wings, forever, to never, Never Land, and, honestly, girls, I wish I could say that was the case, but it wasn't.  I was actually bedded down starting Tuesday night with a bad cold that started with a tickle in the throat, commencing  to fever, chills, and has left me wheezing enough  to see the doctor tomorrow.  It was like playing Fantine, only it was too real for words, and no Tony Award to compensate for it, at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Which is why I have  not been on here in days.  Because when your strength goes, dolls, so does your muse.  I just have not had the inclination to write  in days.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Well, those days are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You know we are avidly awaiting Anne Hathaway as Fantine, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       How about the whole Kate Middleton thing???? First those two broadcasters, then the nurse goes and kills herself!!!!!!!!!!!  Poor Kate!!!!!!!!!!  This has to have an impact on her pregnancy!!!!!!!!!  Whatever its ultimately positive outcome, she is always going to remember this!!!!!!!

                                         This illness has curtailed my social life, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  I had to miss two parties this week, and the Raving Queen does not like to miss parties at all!!!!!!!!  So, you better believe I was laid up!!!!!!!!!

                                            Not to  mention my reading has been curtailed.  I am still reading Julia Philips, and would you believe this--at one time, one of the best cooks and party givers in Hollywood was--Joan Didiion????????????

                                             That's right, darlings,!  Bet she cooked with LOTS of wine, and dribbling cigarette ash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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