Thursday, October 3, 2013

This Week's Winner Is Unidentified, Darlings, But Merits True Consideration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I cannot tell you the name of this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, girls, but I can tell you the gender--he is male.

                                                David Jimenez lives in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Now, for those who have never been there, this is a very artsy section of the borough, sort of the Brooklyn equivalent of Manhattan's East Village, but in its own, unique way.  And, like that area, you would expect it to be gay friendly!!!!!!!

                                                   Around September 28 or 29th, Mr, Jimenez, a 40-year-old resident, was seeing some visiting friends to a cab, while out walking his dogs.  He was walking back to his apartment, with the pets, when he heard someone say something.  He turned, and found a man hurling homophobic taunts at him.  But it went beyond that.  The guy went up, and punched Jimenez in the face.

                                                      So, the winner, this week is....David Jimenez' Attacker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      According to Jimenez, he does not identify himself as gay.  And, according to sources, the attacker was upset, having just come from a funeral!  Is this any reason to attack someone?????????  And if people are being attacked because they are perceived as being gay, what comes
next??????  A dark complected person attacked for being thought of as  Black?????????  Someone messing with me, because they do not like my designer outfit????????  I am telling everyone, here and now--Do NOT even THINK of touching my designer outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Jimenez was beaten up so badly, he suffered a broken eye socket and nose, which had to be surgically worked on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           His attacker was supposedly charged with assault, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and resisting arrest, but do you think people like this give a shit about that????????  They laugh about it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  This guy needs to be hit where it hurts, and charged and prosecuted for a hate crime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Unless this approach is taken, there will be more incidents like this???????  Haven't there been enough???????

                                                            I don't care if Jimenez is gay, or a lesbian in drag!  Everyone has the right to safety in their neighborhood!  No one should have to worry about dumb bozos, like this Bitch Of The Week, prowling about, looking for trouble, when there is none to be had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              And who would expect a bitch to prowl Williamsburg, anyway????????


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