Sunday, February 16, 2014

Auntie Alvin Needs An Intervention, From Tippi Hedren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Where are the Maysles Brothers, when you need them.  You should see the apartment of our beloved, Auntie Alvin!  It's like a miniature "Grey Gardens."

                                 Picture this--not a single uncluttered spot in the place, newspapers strewn about, and bird poop on the floor, everywhere!   And that's just for starters.  Auntie Alvin's birds are often out of their cage, flying about, where they go about destroying the wall paper, and pecking at Auntie Alvin all over the place--even at his undies, that he dashes madly about in!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It is time for an intervention.  And I can think of  no one better for this than Tippi Hedren.  First of all, she is an animal rights activist, and second, she has had plenty of experience with birds!!!!!!!!!!!  It's what  she's known for, darlings!  There ought to be an aviary named after her!

                                  Help Auntie Alvin, Tippi, please!  We don't want to go over there, and find him all pecked to death, like poor  Suzanne Pleshette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Give Auntie Alvin some love birds!  Not ones that are lethal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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