Saturday, February 15, 2014

Did Shirley Temple's Death Devastate Him??????????????????????

                                 Can you believe it, girls???????  Just one day after the passing of Shirley Temple,we lose one of the great dads of the TV era, Ralph Waite, who, of course, was John Walton, Sr. on the long-running show, "The Waltons."  I have to believe the two deaths--Shirley and Ralph were connected.  I don't know what his health status, at 85, was, but I bet once he heard Shirley left us, he figured, what the hell?????

                                   Ralph was a great actor and celebrity, but, mark my words, as will eventually be found out, many non-celebs across this country have been devastated by the death of Shirley Temple.  Some have died, and those who have not are going to fill the coffers of therapists in the next couple of months, as, right when Winter gives way to Spring, couches will be jammed with patients, over this tragic event!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     As I write about Ralph, I can hear in my head, the harmonica thumping theme to "The Waltons."  I can still hum it from memory, as I can so many shows of the Baby Boomer era. Three decades from now, in my wheelchair, and drooling, with Monsieur wiping my mouth constantly, this is what will be spewing from my mouth--theme songs to Boomer era TV shows.

                                       Last year, I wrote, with heartfelt passion, of how the episode, "The First Casualty," moved me, having stayed with me, thirty six years after first viewing it.  That final scene, in the meadow, between Mary Elizabeth McDonough and Ralph, was unforgettable.

                                        Waite's  presence on the show was unforgettable, and I bet his TV family mourns for him as much as his real life family.  As does an entire generation of TV watchers, who grew up with The Waltons."

                                           Rest In Peace, Ralph!

                                                  But, wait!  I am not done with Shirley Temple, yet!  From my favorite of her films, which was "Captain January" (1936), here she is doing "At The Codfish Ball," with Buddy Ebsen.  Just think, it could have been these two skipping down the road in "The Wizard Of Oz" had plans unfolded as they were supposed to.

                                                     I include this, not only as a tribute to Shirley ( and my apologies for this being colorized!!!!!!!!!) but as a preventative against others dying or declining due to Shirley's passing.  She spread joy, so I am carrying on her legacy, and spreading some of it now!


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