Monday, March 31, 2014

On The Skids, With Paula Zahn, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is what it is going to come to, darlings, because Paula's days are numbered. On April 20, in her 10PM Sunday spot, begins a new series called "The Perfect Murder," which sounds like it should be lots of fun. At least, it should be able to keep us awake, which last night's episode of 'Paula' was not able to do.  One second, I was looking at a story about some girl being abducted, and the next thing I remember, I was watching a "Dateline" repeat I had already seen. As for my beloved Monsieur, he was out stone cold!

                              We just barely had enough time to see the campy intro, with Paula emerging out the gray mist!  Cracks me up!

                                Will Paula be renewed for another season?  If she isn't, that should make Aphrodite Jones happy, and us, too, as it might mean more  of Aphrodite!  In which case, Paula is left with the Home Shopping Network, or some such thing.  I cannot picture her in the kitchen as a foodie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Paula, hon, you need to get your act together!!!!!!!!!!  Or else, market your DVDs as sure cures for insomnia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Who needs Sominex, when there is Paula Zahn????????????????///

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