Thursday, June 18, 2015

Burn This Bitch In Hell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A good dose of Jennifer Jones would do nothing for this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                       Dylann Storm Roof--my God, what a name!  Sick Southern Redneck THING!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This past Wednesday, just yesterday, in fact, the spirit apparently moved Dylan to go to church.  But not for the reasons one usually goes.

                                          He went and sat, near the pastor, in a Charleston, South Carolina, African American church. Now, nothing personal, but if I were a congregant, and a lone white young man walked in, and stood out, I would have my suspicions right away.

                                          Apparently, at some point during the service, he stood up, took out a gun, and began firing. This was a Hate Crime, motivated by racism; hell, White Supremacy.

                                            "I have to do it," he said.  "You rape our women, and you're taking over our country. And you have to go."

                                               Mr. Roof, YOU are the one who has to go. And you ARE going--up the river, honey!  For Life, if not a death sentence.

                                                 Apparently, one woman was allowed to go, so she could spread the word of terror.  But Dylann left nine people dead. And a community stunned.

                                                   Perfect for Bitch Of The Week, girls! But it will not be long, Dylann until you are SOMEBODY ELSE'S bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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