Thursday, June 18, 2015

What Is Wrong With This Picture???????

                             Well, the first thing that's wrong, darlings, is that I am not in it!  But, then I just might be the one performing on stage, whom Stage Daddy Obsessive is cheering on, as resentful Mother and Sister watch.

                              Yes, girls, it's "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?," and, as I am currently re reading the Henry Farrell novel, thoughts are coming to the fore.  Like the uses for a hammer!

                                 But, really, what I love about this particular photo is that it telescopes the entire story in one shot.  The daughter is out front, the father is living through her, using her to milk a talent he never really had in the first place, while Mother understands this kid's star is short-lived, and then what will she do, while Sister Blanche broods, getting ready to say her apocryphal line, "I won't forget.  You BET I won't forget."

                                And neither will we, darlings!  Bette may be gone, but Baby Jane Hudson lives on, in film, and in the minds of those who believe they are her!

                                 You know I'm living proof, dolls!

                                  Now, get me my ice cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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