Thursday, February 25, 2016

Darlings, Vivien Cardone Sure Livened Up Things On 'SVU' Last Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Remember Vivien Cardone girls???????????  She was unforgettable as the deranged ballet aspirant Paulette Bartol--we just LOVED Paulette!!!--on "Law And Order, Criminal Intent," back in 2010. So, it was a delight to have her show up on last night's 'SVU' episode, entitled "Star Struck Victims."  She walked off with the evening as Kristi Cryer, who turned out to be more interesting than Craig Bierko as the sleazy Bobby D'Amico, and James Madio, as his sidekick, Noel Panko.

                            I thought this would be a ho hum reworking of the Cosby thing. It turned out to be much more.

                           I connected with Kristi instantly, because, like me, she is a blogger, whose life is her beat, and who records everything shamelessly.  Which is where she and I differ. There are definitely things on here I do not talk about, and going down on someone in  a bathroom would be one of those things. In actuality, Kristi is more than a blogger, she is a vlogger, meaning she does not write about everything; she video records it.  I get the loyalty to her followers she espouses, I even understand her airing her rape message that went viral, but as for the sleazy sex she sought out that led to it, well, girls, in my book, that is what is called a tramp!!!!!!!!!!!  Kristi did not deserve to get raped, but she definitely made the wrong decision, when she stepped into that bathroom with D'Amico!!!!!!!!  Do you think I would do such a thing, girls???????? And with such sleaze?????????  Please!!!!!!!!!!!  I may not be Bernadette or Jacinta, but give me some credit for taste and discretion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Poor Olivia is having problems.  She cannot control her staff, and they are running rogue on here.  Bad supervision, maybe?  Lack of leadership skills?  Hell, I know all about that, first hand.  But I cannot fault Amanda for what she did, and wasn't it great when, just when one thought she was actually going to be raped, she turned the tide on those bozos, but good?????????  I hope Panko lost both his balls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And kudos to Mike Dodd, played by Andy Karl, for leaking the rape video to the media.  He is going to pay the price by going up against his disgustingly corporate and arrogant father, brilliantly played by Peter Gallagher, but I am sure, like me, he will feel it was worth it. Unfortunately, this may be the way to get Dodd off the show; scheduled to star in the Bill Murray role in the Broadway bound musical. "Groundhog Day," unless he goes on Judy Garland's drug regimen, I don't see how he will have the time or energy to do both. So, this could lead to his bowing out of 'SVU,' which is a shame, because he is beginning to grow on me.

                           Not to worry. There is still neurotic, obsessive Olivia, ready to battle with anyone--Caprisi, Rollins--until she works herself up into a Blanche Du Bois type breakdown, and gets hauled off to the loony bin.

                            Heaven help me, IF this show ever has a FINALE, that is how it should play!!!!!!!!!!

                              And, Vivien, thanks for livening things up!  Come back, SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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