Thursday, February 29, 2024

Happy Leap Year, And To All Those On This Day Having REAL Birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     People born on this day get one birthday every four years, yet age like the rest of us.  One of these is my sister.  Technically, she is 84 today, but she should be 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And when the birthday is not real, what is done?  Some celebrate it on March 1, but most do so on February 28.

                                          So, Happy Leap Year Birthday to all on year, most especially my sister.

                                             We'll all be back here in another four years.

Farewell To February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It may be the shortest month, but for me it ends the longest period of the year, starting with January 2 until now.  March is when the year really begins for me.  The buds burst into bloom, the trees start bearing leaves, and the world seems to come alive after being dead for almost three months.

                             Nevertheless, as seen by the posts, it was an eventful February for us, and I am not through yet, because I have something else to report in the next post.

                                A friend of mine once coined the joke, "Can March march?  No, but April may!"

                                Can't wait to see you in March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Could Sally Hershberger Fix THIS?????????????????????

                            I doubt it, but, girls, have you heard about the 1957 trash classic, "The Vampire?"  

                           When this film first came out, it was on a second bill with "The Monster That Challenged The World." which "Svengoolie" showed recently.  Better had he shown this film, which is far more entertaining.

                              First, there is a doctor injecting himself with blood from vampire bats, and what he turns into is uglier than any vampire I have ever seen.  They are usually well groomed.  Also, this vampire can function day or night; no coffin for him!  He is played by John Beal, a scientist named Paul Beecher.  His nurse is played by Colleen Gray, a year or two before she became an icon with "The Leech Woman" and wait till you see her running through the forest in her nursing uniform, unruffled until her hair lets down at the end.  My mother was a nurse, but I doubt she could have done this.

                                Then there is Lydia Reed, as Besty, Dr. Beecher's pubescent daughter, who has a ballet barre, where she practices in leotards right in the waiting room!  Like the song says, "Everything is beautiful, at the ballet," but come on!!!!!!!!!!!  Fortunately, for her own good, Beecher, when he realizes he turns into this monster, packs Betsy off to Aunt Sally, who is never seen, but who, I presume will take care of Betsy, after he is killed.

                                  There is no surprise here.  Except the opening is quite arresting.  A young boy is riding a bicycle, delivering something to a doctor, Matt Campbell, played by Wood Romoff.  He is near death and asks the boy to get Dr. Beecher.  As the boy complies, hurriedly riding his bicycle, the film's title, "The Vampire" appears on the screen.  When I first saw this film on TV, via "Chiller Theater," the title was "Mark Of The Vampire," which disappointed me, because I thought that title meant the 1935 MGM Tod Browning classic, starring Bela Lugosi, and Carol Borland, as Luna, the mysterious Lunar Lady.  It also happened to be the talking screen version of a film now considered lost, Lon Chaney's 1927 "London After Midnight."

                                     So, my initial viewing was a disappointment.

                          Seeing this film as an adult allowed me to appreciate it more, since my expectations were lowered, and its campiness was quite high.

                                       Despite the gorgeous design of this poster--the art of the film poster has gone the way of all flesh, by the way--the second feature should be the one on top.  Let us hope "Svengoolie" shows it in the future.

                                           For those who can't wait, and need a trash distraction, it is on You Tube, and can be seen in its entirety.

                                             Have yourselves a good laugh, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              One last thing. Louise Lewis, wonderful as repressed lesbian Miss Branding in "Blood Of Dracula," also from 1957, plays the uncredited role of Mrs. Miller.  Maybe that is why I did not recognize her.

                                                  Now I will have to watch this damn thing again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

"Pile Out, You Tramps! It's The End Of The Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            How many times, girls, have we wanted to say that?  That is the opening line of "Caged," the iconic 1950 film that became the gold standard for women in prison dramas, but, over the years, has become such a camp fest.

.                                 Start with the cast.  Eleanor Parker as innocent, inexperienced Marie Allen.  Good girl with all the bad breaks. From this, who could imagine her playing a Machiavellian baroness who wants to send the kids off to boarding school in "The Sound Of Music?"  Then there is Oliver Deering as a tragic prisoner, Jan Sterling as a blonde toughie, Lee Patrick as a gang leader, and Ellen Corby as a hooker!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine?  Grandma Walton as a hooker?

                                      The cast is sterling, and they play it for all it is worth.

                                       But the real show stealer here, and an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actress, is Hope Emerson, as Evelyn Ward, the dykiest bull Dyke this side of the Hudson.  She could have patented the term "beans n' franks lesbian" right on the spot!  The scene where she dresses up for a date with a man is hilarious.  Whom is she kidding?  Not us! A Laura Ashely type dress on this woman?  And what kind of a man other than a butch trucker, would go out with her???????????  No, she has some lipstick lesbo cutie waiting for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   But she does get her comeuppance!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        "Caged" is a laugh a minute of pure entertainment.  It might have been taken seriously in 1950, though I wonder.

                                           Don't mess with these babes, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Unexpected Surprise, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I really had no idea what I was in for, when I picked up Nikki Erlick's debut novel, "The Measure."  Sure, I expected a character study, but not with a large measure of Rod Serling, and dollops of Shirley Jackson and Jack Finney thrown in.

                                        The premise is simple.  One day in March, and giving no discernible explanation, everyone in the world, 22 years old and over, finds a box on their doorstep.  There is a message on the front indicating that inside is the measure of their life.  When opened, a piece of string is found.  Long strings indicate a long life, while short strings, well.........

                                          What is also not explained is how the recipients who open the box--some choose not to--figure out the number of years.  Ten, twenty, five?  From a piece of string?  This is the frustrating, yet tantalizing tease Erlick throws at the reader throughout the course of the novel.  And how about the recipients?  How do they react, and deal with this?  Going further, if we were one of the recipients, readers, how would we deal with it?

                                              Those under 22 do not escape.  When they reach that age, a box is delivered to them.

                                                To say anymore would be to ruin the story.  I will just say that while this sounds like a downer, it really is not, and ends on a note of hope.  As alluded to in here, Pandora left that in the box for mankind.

                                                    It is well written, fast, furious and fun.  I was completely surprised by what I thought would turn out to be an ordinary domestic story.

                                                      As for me, darlings, well there are some things I would rather not know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And..............A Happy Birthday To Josh Groban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I just discovered that he and Shelley Plimpton have the same birthday.  Today, Josh turns 43, and after the magnificent musical and dramatic performance he gave all last year in "Sweeney Todd," I am sure he is taking a rest.  And maybe gearing up for his next gig, so, Josh, honey, tell us what it will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not since Len Carious in the original 1979 production have I seen anyone as impassioned and magnificently vocal in the role as Josh Groban.  I have serious doubts another Sweeney as good will come along in my lifetime.  I feel lucky to have seen these two.

                                   But, at 43, it is a day for Josh to celebrate, do whatever the hell you want, and eat some cake and ice cream.  Maybe cut that cake with a razor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Happy Birthday, Josh Groban!  All on here cannot wait for your next move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Shelley Plimpton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Another year has passed, girls, and now Shelley Plimpton is 77!  All of us on here wish here the best of health and good happenings for the forthcoming year.

                           For those new on here, Shelley is the mother of the extremely talented actress, Martha Plimpton.  But Shelley has her own niche in musical theater history.  She originated the role of Crissy in "HAIR" and introduced what is my favorite song in the show, "Frank Mills."

                             Ever since hearing her sing this song, I have been such a fan.  And in the 50 plus years since "HAIR" was first done, only Allison Case in the 2009 revival, came near Shelley's rendition.

                                But it is Shelley who owns this song.   Happy birthday, welcome to another year, and joy and happiness be with you this year and always.

                                   Celebrate, Shelley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Here is Shelley as she looked, when performing "Frank Mills."
                                    And now you can hear how gifted Shelley was.  Keep on going, Shelley!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 26, 2024

Darlings, Disover A Rising Star, Christine Hauer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Miss Hauer is the niece of one of my favorite readers, Victoria.  I am not sure if these attractions are in NYC or Virginia, as Victoria lives in the latter.  But the first poster suggests something of NYC, so, if Christine is in the city, go and see her.  As for this musical, I would love to see it myself, with David.  Is it in the city, too?  Or on its way there?  I hope I can give you more info.

                                  Chritine has the aura of a young Amy Adams.  Talent is always out there.

                                   All both performers and audiences have to do is reach for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tributes For Flaco Keep Pouring In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            New Yorkers, and those beyond, sadly mourn the loss of Flaco the beloved Eurasian eagle-owl, who captured the hearts of people everywhere, with his courage and his enjoyment of the freedom, while he had it.  An artist called  Calichoart has painted this beautiful mural of him on the Lower East Side.    I do not know where, but I am sure residents in the area can direct you.  The artist did a beautiful job, capturing the majesty and handsomeness of Flaco.

                                Those interested in visiting Flaco's tree should go to an oak tree, now memorialized near East 102nd Street, by the North Woods.  There you can see the tree where Flaco began his journey as the most celebrated New Yorker of last year.

                                    But wait, there is more!  An online petition exists for those who wish to have a memorial statue of Flaco erected in Central Park.  Count me in, darlings, I would do anything to help Flaco.

                                     He is not about to be forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Don't Be Fooled, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Girls, I am not a Ripperologist, but every time I see a new book about Jack The Ripper--and they come out, from time to time--I have to read it.

                                           Each one claims to have solved the ultimate crime mystery, offering their assortment of facts and solutions.  I have never been satisfied.

                                             I had hope for this book.  But Russell Edwards let me down.  Yes, he extracts DNA with the help of another scientist; he even finds a descendant of one of the victims, Catherine Eddowes, a woman in England named Karen Miller.

                                              The name he chooses I will not reveal, except to say I have seen it listed as a possible suspect in other books.  Edwards does give a credible answer as to why the killings suddenly stopped.  But he still leaves so many questions unanswered.

                                                 Why did the Ripper seek only prostitutes?

                                                 Were these women random killings, or were these five specifically targeted

                                                     And, finally, why did he do it?

                                                    It would take this and more to convince me of the actual truth.

                                                   I always thought the story of Jack The Ripper was similar to the 'SVU' episode, "Hysteria," aired on October 11, 1999, with a brilliant performance by character actor Garrett M. Brown, as the killer, Peter Ridley.  Ridley hated women and prostitutes, and while murder was not justified, his hatred made sense.  When he was a child, he was raised by a mother, who had been a prostitute.  When clients would come to the house, she would lock him outside, with only saltine crackers to eat.  He became a cop, but it also gave him a chance to troll areas looking for victims.  I think the show was working out its own theory about Jack The Ripper, and while I agree with it, it has yet to be proven.

                                                  If you are into Jack The Ripper, like me, read it.  Those with a casual or minimal interest are urged to pass it up.

                                                   Afternoon tea is preferable, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, February 24, 2024

This Is The Year's Saddest Death, Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I was so shocked to learn that yesterday, Flaco, the Eurasian eagle-owl and New York socialite everyone has taken to their hearts since his escape last year, died.  He would have been 14 years old next month.  After navigating the city beautifully for over a year, he sadly died by colliding into a building on West 89th Street.

                                       I am so saddened by Flaco's passing.  He had plenty of life left in him, and up till yesterday, he lived that year of freedom to the fullest.  You have to hand it to him for becoming the city's biggest socialite since ANNA WINTOUR!!!!!!!!!!!  Before long, I bet Flaco would have sat atop ANNA's shoulder at Fashion Week shows.

                                          This is my favorite picture of him, so handsome and distinguished.

                                           I hope something is done to memorialize Flaco.

                                            Because I want to be there.

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents That Old Chestunut Favorite, "How To Make A Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              When "Willard" was aired several weeks ago, I mentioned how the Ernest Borgnine scene was every disgruntled employee's fantasy.  Well, "How To Make A Monster" is a feature length study of a disgruntled employee.

                                 Make-up artist Pete Dumond, played by Robert H. Harris, who appeared as Henry Bellows in "Valley Of The Dolls," is being laid off at AIP because they are going from horror, his specialty, to teen musicals.  His patrician manner, coupled with how he treats his assistant, Rivero, played by Paul Brinegar, and how he seems to drool over Larry Drake, played by Gary Clarke, and Tony Mantell played by Gary Conway, clearly establishes Dumond as homosexual.  What is not established is that Gary Conway played the original lead in "I Was A Teenage Frankenstein."  The hope was to also get Michael Landon, who played Larry Drake in the original "I Was A Teenage Werewolf, a lycanthropic redo of "Blood Of Dracula," but not nearly as much fun, to repeat his original role, but to no avail.  Landon was already getting too big for his britches.

                                   But the film is so fun, going from disgruntled employee revenge to a surprise "House Of Wax" type finale, with a special cameo appearance by Cucumbo!  Be ready to cheer him on, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This film is always entertaining. Enjoy it again for those having seen it, and for those not, it is about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And notice how the opening title is conveyed.  I bet "Svengoolie" does some of his drawing games, tonight!

                                         See you at eight, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

If Only Zadie Smith Would Write Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Zadie Smith and Jessica George are at two ends of the writing pole.  Smith is too concerned with structure and technique, but her narrative skills are lacking.  George is the opposite, great narration but low on technique and structure.

                                            Which does not mean that "Maame" (pronounced "ma-meh) is not worth reading. It is a heartbreaker about a young girl having adult responsibilities foisted on her long before she is old enough to assume them.  She cares for her ailing father, who has diabetes and Parkinson's--because her mother and brother are too selfish and neglectful. 

                                               "Maame" details the girl's attempts to get out into the world, find herself; and come to the age she should be, rather than aging prematurely.  The book ends on a note of hope, but there is much heartbreak within.

                                                  This is a first novel for George, and it is engrossing and satisfying.  She just needs to hone her writing technique, and then she could be a literary A-lister.

                                                    And darlings, remember, it is pronounced "ma-meh," not "MAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Darlings, When Sending Out Invitations, Make Sure They Are Pink Cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              When hosting a party, dears, the key word is elegance.  And nothing is more important than sending out pink cream invitations.

                                The color assures an elegant event to come and will flatter everyone whom you invite.  And those uninvited will be pea green with envy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                                  It is all in the color and design.  So, if you are planning on having any social events, remember pink cream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Your social prominence will be elevated, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is The Series Going Downhill??????????????????????

                           Episode Five of "Feud: Capote Vs. The Swans" was titled "The Secret Inner Lives Of Swans."  It was anything but.  In fact, the Swans got little screen time, because the whole thing was taken up with this disappointing fever dream fantasy of Capote and James Baldwin.

                            Now, let me start.  When did these two ever cross paths?  And why should they; being so different and equally egomaniacal???????????  Baldwin never did anything for me as a writer; I read "Giovanni's Room," and big whoop.  A gay man in Paris?  A Black expatriate from America?  Who cares?  How about Proust?  Or Jean Genet with "Our Lady Of The Flowers?"  As for Black writers, Toni Morrison and James McBride have Baldwin beat.  He may have been a pioneer, well good for him, but his material cannot hold a candle to many who came after.

                                 Which is why the whole fever dream thing was, like, What the hell?  Who cares?  I do not believe that Truman Capote for one second would play the victim.  His ego was mammoth, and so was his talent; he touted "Answered Prayers" as Proustian right up to his death.  He knew he was a great writer; so, to devote the whole segment to Capote and Baldwin was wasteful.  Give us more of the Swans.  Or better yet, it should have been Jessica Lange as Lillie Mae Faulk, parroting Baldwin's words.  Sure, they had a contentious relationship, but we know, girls, that she admired Capote's talent, and his ability to get into society--which she wanted--and then eviscerate it.

                                      As time has gone on, "La Cote Basque 1965" has becoming nothing more than a diverting social entertainment.  The leading players are gone, and so is the restaurant.  However, girls, in a former location of the famed venue there is Benoit, a French bistro located at 60 West 55th Street.  I mean, girls, maybe we can revive the Golden Age Of Elegance.

                                       There was certainly very little of the above in last night's episode.  Chris Chalk, though excellent in performance, was way better looking than James Baldwin.  And telling Capote to shave?  I mean, did he have to?

                                           Blanche Du Bois said she wanted magic, not realism.   This series needs more realism if it wants to stay afloat.

                                             Otherwise, it could go into decline, just as unfortunately as Truman Capote did.

                                               Oh, and capote eating a swan was the last straw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Darlings, Have You Seen These Christian Louboutin Gowns???????????????????

                              One look at these outfits, girls, tells me what my closet is sorely lacking.  And yes, in the blue gown, that is Blake Lively.  I don't know if she was pregnant at the time this was taken, but only Blake can look good with a little bump around the middle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Though I am partial to the red and pink gowns, I would not turn down the blue, if offered to me.  I have got to find a Christian Louboutin shop, or a presence online, so I can expand my closet with items from his collection!  His designs are simply fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So much fashion, so little time!  Spring will be here soon, so have your wardrobes ready, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     We all have to look our best, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why Didn't This Hair Style Become A Fashion Staple?????????????????????????

                                     It is probably the most iconic screen hair style of all time.  So, how come it was not copied by American women for generations?  The make-up is not bad, either.

                                      I have to wonder is Sally Hershberger ever asked to replicate this style?  I would hope so.  As well as the make-up.

                                       Which is my way of saying that tonight "Svengoolie" is going to show a Universal gem--1935's "The Bride Of Frankenstein."  Mills burning down, miniature castles, some exploding, Elsa Lanchester camping it up as both as The Bride, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.  Then there is the 17-year-old Valerie Hobson--can you believe it, girls? --as Elizabeth, Colin Clive as Victor Frankenstein, whom The Bride is hot for, and who can blame her, Una O'Connor as the hysterical Minnie, and Ernest Thesiger, as the campy Dr. Pretorious.  With a cast like that, and everyone chewing away at the gorgeous scenery, who has time to upstage anyone?  Oh, and there is a cameo appearance by Dwight Frye, quite the scene stealer in his own right.

                                          This is probably the best of Universal's "Frankenstein" trilogy.  Those having never seen it owe it to themselves to do so.  Those of us having seen it are in for a delightful treat.

                                              See you, tonight at 8, girls!  Bring your hair and make-up kits with you!

                                              All this makes me wonder--will 'Feud' address where any of The Swans got their hair done?  Because, if still in business, that is where I would like to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 16, 2024

It Is Just An Over-Sized Paper Mache Slug With A Man Inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     At least that is what it seems, from this photograph.

                                     Really, darlings, the only thing "The Monster That Challenged The World" challenged in me was my patience.  But there was one interesting thing about it.  Even when coming up from the water, the creature did not make a sound.  There was this scary scene, where is seems to walk--as a human--behind a guard out of nowhere and snap his head off.  Now, that was scary.  But the rest of this is just someone's concept gone wrong.

                                       The only time it made noise was when being wounded.

                                        Even with a cast like Tim Holt, Audrey Dalton, and Hans Conried, the film could not be saved.  If this did not end the era of giant bug movies, it certainly hastened it.

                                        Not the sort of thing one would want to decorate the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

A Picture Of Pleasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Whether framed on a wall, or blown up to wall size, inhabiting one in the living room, this portrait of Coney Island is a MUST in any home decorating scheme.  Just look how it abounds with color, while the blues stand out.   This eye catching visual fantasy will comfort and relax the most stressed out of the stressed.

                                 I would love to have it on my living room wall.  Or maybe the ceiling!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If anyone can tell me who the artist is, please let me know, because, darlings, I would like to feature more of their work on here.

                                     With this work of art, Summer is just a glance away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Required Viewing For All On Here, And Beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Cole Escola, who blew me away as Chassie Tucker on Amy Sedaris' TV show, is now performing in a play he wrote.  It is called "Oh, Mary!" and, hons, if you thought Sally Field was something as Mary Todd Lincoln, Cole goes at her full blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              His play hits all the tropes--that Mary was unstable, an alcoholic, that Lincoln was gay, and in spite of his not being a looker got guys to fool with--but in a comically, laughable way that is the highest of high camp!  Good as the other actors are in this show, I wish the whole thing had just been Cole Escola as Mary onstage.  During the few moments he is off stage, the show weakens considerably.

                              It is already a hit, darlings, so, remember you heard it first, here.  Because, when we went to the performance, last Sunday, the house was packed.  I haven't seen so many queens in one place since Show Music nights at Splash!  Ooops!  I am dating myself, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Make a date, girls, to see "Oh, Mary!"   It is the laugh riot of the season!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  See Mary try to fulfill her dream.....of being a cabaret singer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not everything of quality is uptown, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Ratman's Notebooks" Is What Should Have Been Filmed! NOT "Willard" (1971)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Good as the 1971 film is, it cannot hold a candle to Stephen Gilbert's 1968 novel, "Ratman's Notebooks."  And don't dismiss the picture in the second image, because that is used in the original novel.

                                   The titular character is nameless, like the heroine in "Rebecca."  The only characters named are Mr. Jones, the cruel boss, and rats Socrates, and Ben; the latter who, initially is named "Solomon," in the novel.

                                     The novel is written as a series of journal entries, that traces the individual's descent into madness better than the film could.  And though Bruce Davison gave an excellent performance, if this story were to be redone as it was written the actor should be a paunchy, unassuming Daivd Berkowitz type of guy.  And, yes, in the novel, a rat mask is found in the attic, which he wears, and people imagine him as Ratman, with claws to match.

                                          The sad thing is as the novel progresses, he seems headed toward normality--his relationship with the girl is blossoming into marriage, his father's company is regained, and it looks like they will be living in a restored version of his house--until the rats, headed by Ben, seek their vengeance.

                                               And the novel comes with a mystery--a small prologued and epilogue, explaining how this manuscript was found and fallen into other's people's hands.  Its opening reminded me of the introduction to Henry James' "The Turn Of The Screw!"  As did the epilogue.

                                                Readers owe it to themselves to read "Ratman's Notebooks" to get an idea of how potentially great this story could have been, had it been filmed properly.

                                                  With the added tragedy that the narrator was finding his way out of madness, but things unfortunately caught up with him.

                                                      Don't mess with rats, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Unexpected Journey Into Fantasyland, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! And The Historical Accuracy Is Getting Sloppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              For nothing was last night's episode of "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans" called "It's Impossible."  The Perry Como song, which I recall when it came out, and served as a lovely ode to the presentation also underscored that many of the happenings within did NOT happen at all.

                                Shrimp Scampi is an Italian dish!  A restaurant like La Cote Basque would never serve that.  Take my word, girls!  I was there!  

                                   Slim and Bill Paley having an affair?  Did Laurence Leamer say that?  He sure as hell did not, and I have no idea why an otherwise respectable writer like Jon Robin Baitz would cook up something like this, unless ordered to by Ryan Murphy.

                                      Truman Capote never lasted a week in that clinic he was sent to.  I wonder where that was shot; I would love to visit that location.

                                       And the highly romanticized reunion of Truman and Babe?  Oh, come on!  Sure, it was gorgeously staged, and marvelously acted, satisfying all the "What if'ers?" in the audience, but it never happened.  He was not even invited to her funeral.

                                         Let me say if the series is now heading into some kind of alternate reality, it is going to lose the audience it has built up, including yours truly.  And how about that disgusting closet case, John O' Shea, well-acted by Russell Tovey?  It took Truman Capote adopting his daughter who wanted out of her family situation, lawsuits and other abuse before Capote got this bastard out of his life.  Capote accused O'Shea of stealing some of the manuscript of "Answered Prayers," but how would an illiterate, Irish Catholic boor from Long Island know anything about art or literature?  And Long Island is just New Jersey on the other side of the Hudson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           As entertaining and well-acted as it was, this episode was disappointing, and I fear for the series future.  It would be a shame to have this series unravel from a realistic show about New York's then upper crust to a Felliniesque fantasy.   What the hell is going on here?

                                              Besides, I have my own "Answered Prayers" to consider.

                                              More to be revealed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A Double Dose, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Imagine, Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent, on the same day!

                           I cannot imagine if this has happened before, but I just could not get it together to get my ashes.  I know what I am giving up--chocolate, not to mention those meatless Fridays and tonight! --so that is not a problem.  And, of course, each day draws us nearer to the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                             So, as Ash Wednesday begins, begin to think what can be done to help those around you, including our animal friends.  Pet a dog or cat, help someone in your building who may need it; I think Sister Camille herself would say that is as important as abstention. It's all about our humanity, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Have a safe and holy Lent, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I wish all on here the happiest Valentine's Day, but of course, my forever valentine will always be my beloved David, who brings joy to me each and every day.  We will have a quiet evening tonight, and for those of you doing the same, I have some suggestions for you.

                              The cast recording to play this evening is the original Broadway cast recording of "She Loves Me."

                               The romantic film to watch this night is "Moonstruck."

                                Red roses, or even pink, are the flowers of choice.

                                Even a mini box of chocolates can mean something.


                                Do NOT make the mistake, as I did when single, of watching "Fatal Attraction" on this evening.  It will do a number on you.

                                   Tell your beloved you love them today and every day.  I always make it a point, with my David!

                                     Happy Valentine's Day to all!  For those holding out, Cupid may not be through with you yet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Speaking Of Fashion, Darlings, Wouldn't This Blue Floral Pattern Be Perfect For The Living Room??????????????

                                   This is how I would like the walls of our living room redecorated.  That way, when company arrived, they would realize they are walking into a floral fantasy!

                                      I mean, the pink against blue combo is so striking!  It caught my eye the minute I saw it, and I knew then it would be perfect for our living room.

                                      What do you think, girls?  Does your living room need a touch up??????????

                                        The beauty just dazzles me!  Make sure you fill your home with beauty, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Book Asks More Questions Than It Answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Because of the Ryan Murphy series, I had high expectations for this work, but it only had me asking more questions.  Mainly, about the author, Laurence Leamer.  I mean, he says he is straight, but, darlings, have you seen that picture on the back?  Give me a break. If he is straight, then I am that Travis guy dating Taylor Swift!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Lee gets covered in this book, as well as C.Z. Guest (the one I would like to be!) Slim Keith, and, though I don't think she was part of the inner circle, Ann Woodward, who murdered her husband by accident, back in 1955.  This led to Dominick Dunne writing "The Two Mrs. Grenvilles," which resulted in a wonderful TV movie with Claudette Colbert, and an Emmy-winning turn by Ann-Margret.

                                                     Girls, keep an eye here on Slim Keith.  She is proof that a girl from the wrong side of the tracks can make it in this world, if she plays all the right moves.

                                                        And poor, perfect Babe Paley.  I never thought she suffered the way she did.  And she was a very private person.  It is easy to see, from Leamer's portrait, how Capote's piece rocked her world, causing her to cut herself off from him.

                                                           As for, Truman, well he out bitches The Swans any day.  They were gracious, compared to him.  Did he really think they would be too dumb to figure out who was who?  Was this a case of his ego or alcohol fueled delusion?  Maybe a bit of both?

                                                               Even as a gay man, the question must be asked--Did Truman Capote shave?  Not his legs, darlings; my, what a terrible picture that conjures up.  But even in middle-age, with death approaching his face, while withered, still had a cherubic kind of quality.  So, I have to wonder if he had enough facial hair to make it necessary for him to shave.

                                                                   The book is entertaining enough, but how much real research did Leamer do?  It reads like he cribbed from other sources.  One thing he does that is good--by so much mention of Gerald Clarke, Capote's biographer, I have been inspired to read Clarke's work.

                                                                       "Capote's Women" is unquestionably a page turner.  But the book to give one the real information is "The Power Of Style."

                                                                            If only we could still lunch at La Cote Basque!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For Those Wanting To Know More About Capote's Swans, This Is The Book To Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Darlings, it should have been called "The Swans Primer."  I am not sure they are all in here, but I know Babe Paley is.  As well as my favorite, Baroness Pauline de Rothschild.  Also, Diana Vreeland, and Jackie (Kennedy) Onasis, but not Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Can you believe it?  Not a mention of Lee Radziwill??????????????

                                      For sheer entertainment, photographic beauty, and a real glance into this world, whether for those aspiring, or just interested, "The Power Of Style" is an interesting text, especially in light of the now airing "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans."

                                        I am sure Truman Capote would have loved this book.

                                       Not to mention Marcel Proust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Shrove Tuesday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Can you believe it is that time of year already?  Yes, it is Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, which commences Lent.  Where has the time gone?

                                    Now, the tradition on this day is to eat pancakes for dinner.  And I have been very observant of that.  But this year, we are varying things.  David has decided, instead of pancakes, to make Challah French Toast, which I think is an excellent idea, while still keeping in the tradition.  

                                        And, of course, for the next several Fridays, no meat.  It could help us all with those extra calories, dears.

                                        Best of all, Lent results in Easter.  So, that means, starting tomorrow--

                                         Forty days till the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                          Happy Shrove Tuesday to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

"On February 11, 1858....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       That's right, girls!  Today, 166 years ago, the Virgin Mary appeared to the French peasant girl Bernadette Soubirous, in a grotto near Lourdes, and the world was changed.

                                         Now, I usually post a picture of Jennifer Jones in her Oscar winning performance, but I thought this year I would post something realistic in relation to the event.  This was pretty much what it was like.

                                           The movie earned Lourdes and Bernadette more attention and focus on her.  Her feast day is April 16.  So don't forget about that.  And March 31, this year, is Easter Sunday, when we have the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                So, take time out today to think about how much Bernadette has done for us.

                                                  She earned her sainthood, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

This Is The Official "I-Don't-Give-A-Shit-About- The- Super-Bowl" Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Now, don't get all excited.  Those who want to drink, wear backward baseball caps, and fart are entitled to their pleasure.  So don't attack me, representing those of us who could care less about an event that has been advertising since Christmas, with the media acting like it is the Second Coming.  If Taylor Swift's name had not popped up in relation to this, I would have no awareness at all.

                                       Speaking of awareness, I know it is in Las Vegas, and that some Kansas team is playing, but that's really all I know.  Or care to.

                                         Contrary to advertisements, not all America is foaming at the mouth over the Super Bowl.

                                            Here in this house, tomorrow, we are retreating to where respectable gay men do, amid such an unseemly event.

                                             We are going to the theater!

                                              Each to his own fun, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!