
Saturday, February 1, 2025

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents "Twenty Million Miles To Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       This 1957 classic, with special effects by Ray Harryhausen, has never been shown, to my recollection, on "Svengoolie," and I have not seen it since I was a kid.  The Mighty Ymir, as the creature is called, is one of filmdom's more interesting monsters, especially, as it first hatches from a gelatinous suppository that found its way to Earth from Venus, is just so cute you want to keep it for a pet!  I know I did!

                       See, girls?????????  Isn't it just the cutest thing?

                        Unfortunately, it grows to tremendous size, and then all Italy--yes, it is set primarily in Rome!!!!!!!!--trembles before its onslaught!  If only it had stayed cute and domesticated.

                          I just love the Mighty Ymir, darlings, and you will, too.

                          Don't miss this rarely seen film, tonight at 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Mistress Maddie said...

Thanks for the heads up on this one. I have never seen it.

The Raving Queen said...

Mistress Maddie, Hope you enjoyed it. The special effects were great.