
Monday, October 14, 2024

If Proty I Sacrificed His Life, To Bring Lightning Lad Back From The Dead, How Did Proty II Come Along?????????????????????????????


                            The cover pictured above, darlings, is what started my fandom with the Legion Of Super-Heroes.  It was Adventure Comics, No. 312, which came out in September of 1963.  Only I never got to read the story, "The Super Sacrifice Of The Legionnaries," though I would read later about it. I first became aware of this issue in Superman, No. 164, which was dated October 1963, but came out long before, as I recall reading it in the car with my parents on one of our Summer trips.

                             Just look at the cover, darlings! The costumes are just bursting with color, which is what gave me my flair for color and fashion, and what drew me to the Legionnaries in the first place. From left to right they are--Mon-El (real name Lar Gand, from the planet of Daxam), Sun Boy (real name Dirk Morgna, who is actually from Earth), Lightning Lass (real name Ayla Ranzz, from the planet Winath, who became Light Lass, shortly after the publication of "Adeventure #312"), Chameleon Boy (real name Reep Daggle, from the planet Durla, who plays an important part in this story), Saturn Girl (real name Imra Ardeen, from the planet Titan, the largest of Saturn's moons), Superboy (real name Kal-El, from the planet Krypton--need I say more?) and, finally, in the enclosed, transparent coffin is Lightning Lad ( real name Garth Ranzz, the twin brother of Ayla and also from Winath).  The costumes on Lightning Lad (the hero I always wanted to be) as well as Mon-EL, Saturn Girl, and Sun Boy, are stunning.

                            The reason Chameleon Boy is so important here, though his appearance and costume are not nearly as impressive, is that his personal pet, Proty I willingly gave up his life, to bring Lightning Lad back from the dead.  Which raises some questions.  Can proteans self-reproduce?  And if so, is that where Proty II came from?  Both Protys were pets of Chameleon Boy, but later on Proty II became Saturn Girl's pet.  Guess he could not resist the costume!!!!!!!!!!!!  He became Saturn Girl's pet right after "The Super Sacrifice Of The Legionnaires."

                           Oh, what tangled webs are weaved when it comes to Silver Age comics history.

                           I wonder how much "Adventure Comics, No. 312" is worth??????????????????

                           Bet I can't afford it.  Oh, well!

                            But those colorful costumes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Victoria said...

I Loved all the Superpets!!!
Krypto, Beppo, Topo, Jumpo, Ace, Chip the Chipmunk who suffered from depression and even attempted suicide I think,
What superpower did you want, I would have chosen Flight or Invisibility, when I was young. Or telepathy.
Now that I’m older, I would prefer HEALING

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Beppo was my favorite pet. I wanted Lightning Lad's costume and the power to project electric volts from my hands. Tomorrow, I will email you about
my sister and friend. I was feeling tired today.