The first thing, darlings, is that it has nothing to do with Memphis, Tennessee. Rather, this happened in West Memphis, Arkansas. The second is the designation stated refers to the alleged assailants. I personally feel it should refer to the victims, who were young, innocent, and, in the ensuing mess have, to a degree, I think, been forgotten. Another misconception is that this was not an interracial crime, like the murder of Emmett Till. With the exception of the mysterious Black man known as "Mr. Bojangles," all of the main players in this sordid drama were, plain and simple, "po' White Trash!!!!!!!!!
Here are the basic facts. At 6:30 PM, three eight year old boys--Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Christopher Byers--were seen playing outside. Branch's stepfather, Terry Hobbs, called for the boys to stop, and for Stevie to come in, but the boys wanted to spend more time outdoors, so they did not listen. They proceeded to the the Robin Hood Hills area nearby, and were never heard from again.
When they did not return home late that evening, a tentative search of the area turned up nothing. The next day, May 6, a more extensive search was done, and at 1:45 that afternoon, a patrol officer, Steve Jones, spotted a little boy's black shoe, floating in a muddy creek, near a drainage canal. In a nearby ditch were the bodies of the three boys. They had been stripped naked, their right arm and leg, and left, tied behind their backs. One boy, Chris Byers, displayed lacerations and evidence of sexual mutilation. The other two were found to have died of multiple injuries, combined with drowning.
Stevie Branch, who lived with his mother, Pamela and sister Amanda, happened to be the stepson of Pam's current hubby, Terry Hobbs. This name will become important later.
In a White Trash, backwoods scenario, right out of "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ("And the judge said guilty in a make-believe trial/ Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile/Said supper is a'waitin' at home, and I gotta get to it.") three teenage boys--Damien Echols, 18, Jessie Misskelley, 17 and Jason Baldwin, 16, were arrested, tried and charged with murdering the boys in a manner suggestive of a Satanic ritual. Each boy had a series of legal and emotional problems, but nothing that indicated they were capable of this. These boys, not the victims, became the West Memphis Three. They were tried and convicted, not only because of previous records, but because they did not fit the mainstream norm of redneck, conservative West Memphis, Arkansas. And there are some who seem satisfied that the right offenders were apprehended. But not me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!
Terry Hobbs was real scum. Driving an ice cream truck--yeah, real Ivy League; what else can you expect from Arkansas???--a drug addict and child molester who abused his daughter Amanda and physically abused Stevie--he is considered the real killer by many, including me. And what kind of trash is mother Pamela, to cohabit with such filth??? Why wasn't Child Services called in to remove Amanda and Stevie from these slime buckets??? It is said when the boys refused to heed his warning, he followed them into Robin Hood Hill, and beat Stevie so severely that, fearful the other boys would tell, he had to silence them all. Within his own family, his deed is known as "the Hobbs family secret", and yet this piece of scum is still at large. Well, what goes around comes around, and if Terry is not convicted by the law (he was said to be intentionally shielded by police for being a drug informant, though he was an addict/user himself), something or someone sooner or later will reach out and get him, and good riddance, I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The case has inspired several books and a series of documentary films, with the title "Paradise Lost." For sheer Southern White Trash, you cannot beat this story; it has everything, down to the mysterious Black man.
Reason enough not to visit Arkansas. Because if you are not True Blue American White Bread, then you stand a chance of being strung up, whether you are guilty or not!!!!!!!!!!
Why doesn't lightning strike this Bubba, Terry Hobbs??? And Pamela too, as far as I am concerned!!!!!!!! Do us a favor and rid the world of scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with the West Memphis Three, girls??????????????
Just about everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, have you ever even been to Arkansas? There are plenty of beautiful areas there with smart, progressive NON-white trash people. I'm always one to judge, but slow your roll on my home state.
It takes trash to know trash.
You could spend your time more wisely.
Your page looks like pepto bismol.
Freedom of speech, darlings, freedom of speech. You want to disagree-fine!!!!! You don't like the color/design--tough!!!!! Take it someplace else, doll!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just please understand that WM3 as some support here.
Damn proud of my Queenship, you better believe it.
But, honestly, I never said I did NOT support the WM3. I don't think the 3 who were convicted should have been. And if you look again, you will see whom I feel is the responsible party!!!!!!!
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