
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Darlings, We Have A Bevy Of Boy Bitches This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           You may not recognize the still above, darlings, but it is from Disney's 1940 classic, "Pinocchio."  It is the scene where the coachman is driving Pinocchio, Lampwick and
his cronies to Pleasure Island.  Pleasure Island, you may recall, was this fabulous, magical
amusement park, where every child could enact his fantasy--ride as much as he wanted to,
eat as much, or even drink, smoke or play pool, as the boys here do.  And it was just boys,
there were no girls in evidence.

                              As demonstrated, everything has its price.  The camera, at one point
focuses on the donkeys driving the coach, as if foreshadowing the boys' fate.  And fate it
is--eventually, the boys are turned into donkeys to either pilot the coach, or be sold off,
or killed.  A fitting end for those who choose to make jackasses of themsevles!!!!!!!!
If you remember, Pinocchio is partially changed, Lampwick destroyed, and, with his
conscience, Jimminy Cricket, the puppet boy and he escape the island.

                              Now, what has this to do with Bitch Of The Week???????

                               Well, this week's winner happens to be a group of boys!!!!!  The
winner (or winners) of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Awqrd are those whom  I call
the Bus Boys Of Greece, New York.

                                  No, they do not work in restaurants, and I cannot vouch if they are Greek.
I can vouch they are scum!!!!  They are the group of  upper New York State school boys (near Rochester) who relentessly taunted and verbally, almost physically, brutalized bus monitor Karen Klein, a 68 year old woman.  Calling her everything from "ugly" to "a fat fuck" (!!!!!!!),  the boys were caught on video, which lasted a good ten minutes, making this poor woman miserable, and streamlining it to the entire cyber world at large!!!!!!!!

                                    I know, because I saw this video myself, and I was disgusted.  My first question was who the hell was filming this?????  My guess is  the filmmaker did it to be bullying, but, ironically, it had a counter effect.  Because when it got out to cyber, there was an outpouring of support for Ms. Klein, to the point where a six figure was fundraised to provide her with a vacation she otherwise might not hav been able to afford.  One of the boys' fathers went to her house and apologized; hats off to him!!!!!!  Some of the others are seeing themselves as victims, because they received harassing phone calls and death threats!!!!!!!  Aw!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But maybe if you had been better parents, instead of morons, you wouldn't have raised such monster children, who now threaten your very existence.

                                     I can understand the anger that inspired those phone callers, but I myself would not choose to do that.  In fact, the school system itself may be acting--there is talk of expelling these boys from school for the remainder of next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      If there was an award for Most Disturbing Video Of The Year, this would certainly be a contender.  To the world at large, it does not cast a good light on American school children in general, or, more specifically, those in Greece, New York.

                                        You couldn't ask for a more apt group of bitches, than these boys!
I say, take them to Pleasure Island, and turn them into the jackasses they have been acting like!!!!!!!!

                                            Hee Haw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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