
Monday, January 14, 2013

There Is So Much Wrong With This Story, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         For all the grizzly crime stuff I often watch on Investigation Discovery, girls, few stories truly get to me, in an upsetting way.  Well, last night's story on "Fatal Encounters" did, because it was a tragedy that could have been avoided in so many ways, and at its center was a young man who desperately needed help, but never really got it.

                                           As with many of these programs, sometimes the background information is sketchy.  Adam Ward, from early childhood, was in serious need of help; he was violent and disruptive in the classroom, from the elementary stage.  Though I am not a mental health professional, it is my opinion, from what was presented, that Adam was/is a paranoid schizophrenic, whose parents jointly made the mistake of protecting him through parental isolation and love, rather than the health care he needed.

                                             And I had to wonder about the Wards' marriage.  Dr. Ralph Ward, Adam's father, was a Ph.D in Industrial Mechanics, from whom Adam inherited an affinity for same.  Something went awry with the parents, because, by the time Adam is a young man, the parents are separated (but live close by), with the understanding that the mother will support the family, while the father stays home, and cares for Adam.  By the time Adam is 22, when things happened, he was slight, but, nevertheless, a full grown man, capable of violent and adult rages.  All of which Dr. Ward took responsibility for placating. But he also, unintentionally, but with consequences, had a hand in fueling some of Adam's  issues; the father felt negatively about the City Council, Code Board, School District, and did not hesitate to voice all this in front of Adam!!!!!!!!  And guess what, darlings??????????  Adam picked up on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Now, just six blocks away lived another family, the Walkers. Consisting of Michael, father of two children, whose marriage had fallen apart. He and the kids moved in with Michael's father, who not only ran a funeral home, but served on the town's (Commerce, Texas) rescue squad. Son Michael had worked in construction for awhile, had no interest in being a mortician, so ended up becoming the town's Code Enforcement Officer.

                                               The Wards, father and son, were antique and decoration collectors, and a pile of debris had amassed on their front porch and on the lawn.  Neighbors had complained and called the authorities, and warnings were issued, but never heeded, because of Dr. Ward's blatantly anti-authoritarian stance. Which he passed on to his son.

                                                  On June 13, 2005, things exploded.  Michael Walker, in his official capacity, went to settle things with the Wards, not knowing what he was walking into.  Adam was out, washing the car, when Walker pulled up, parking his vehicle the wrong way. When Adam tried to correct him, and Walker, not understanding why he was making such a fuss, having no ongoing knowledge of Adam's problems, this caused things to escalate, to the point where Adam became hostile and violent, his father ran outdoors to cool things down, but Adam went in the house to get his gun, as he genuinely felt (with his mental disturbances) he and his father were being threatened.  This led to a confrontation between Adam and Michael Walker, with Michael being shot several times, knocked down, and then at point blank range. By the time Michael's father, on assignment for the squad, showed up, it was too late.  So both fathers lost their sons---Mr. Walker to death, and Dr. Ward to the prison system.

                                                      What I want to know is--why didn't Adam's parents act constructively???  If they had gotten help for their child when younger, or put on meds, or treatment, or something, perhaps Michael Walker would be alive today.  As is, I think Dr. Ward should have been charged, along with his son, but that wasn't how it played out.

                                                          Such a waste of lives lost, where there did not need to be.  Not only does society need to start re-examining its treatment of the mentally ill, so do parents and/or kinfolk of those who are mentally ill.  They need to take some responsibility for their loved ones who just may not be able to handle themselves in society.

                                                             It was a sobering hour, girls!  Nowhere near as fun as "Deadly Women!!!!!!!!!"


Rob said...

I saw the show and also had a strong reaction. Adam's father Ralph is clearly paranoid and delusional, but doesn't seem to think he has a problem. Ralph indoctrinated his son and now the poor boy is on death row. I say give Adam some psychological treatment, and give Ralph the lethal injection instead. He didn't seem to have one ounce of compassion or sadness about what his son is going through.

The Raving Queen said...

Rob, I am with you all the way! I too was struck by the father's overall lack of feeling; his on camera demeanor conveyed that. And, yes, he is the one who should be on Death Row, not Adam. Who should receive psych treatment now, but should have had it years ago.

And those poor Walkers. This did not have to happen!

Unknown said...

I just saw a repeat of this show, and I found myself outraged at the behavior of Adam's father, Raplh Ward. I'm not a mental health professional, either, but it seems obvious that the elder Ward is a narcissist (unwillingness to accept even the most reasonable criticism, lack of empathy, insistence on being called "Doctor" Ward, etc.) who exacerbated and fueled his son's predilection toward violence. If there is fault to be ascribed for this tragedy, it belongs to him.

I disagree, however, that Adam's violent outbursts were driven primarily by fear. His brutal and unrelenting assault on Walker was motivated by pure rage, not fear for his or his dad's safety.

His son is no longer a danger to others (except his buddies on death row), but his dad is still out there, another loaded gun.

angela said...

I just finished watching a repeat of Fatal Encounters.

I agree with everyone else who posted. Adam Ward was so mentally ill I almost wept. His father should be perp walked though. As heinous as the killing was I don't think we should execute mentally ill people. But with that said---if he wasn't on death row Adam should never be let out ever again because he is a true danger to everyone. He's criminally insane.

But who my heart really goes out to is Pee Wee Walker and his family. The city was negligent sending him to the home of problem homeowner without back up where there was a history of violence. And folks---Ralph Ward himself is fairly crazy. He's talking about jury tampering even when he himself saw his son gun down an innocent man. No wonder this kid is on death row.

In a way I think his son being on death row makes Ward feel justified. To him this is the ultimate persecution---In his dark mind the schools, cops, code enforcement then the jury were out to get his son and this is the result. In a sick way, I think he's happy. I'll bet he has never ever seen his own culpability in any of this.

Pee Wee Walker never had a chance because Adam Ward never had a chance being raised by a sick man who made his dangerous son--- sicker.

Unknown said...

Both father and son have psychological issues and should have received psychological treatments and therapy...

Gcs15 said...

I agree with everyone's comments.

Also did anyone notice the part where "doctor" ward starts talking about the aftermath and says "I would not wish any father to see his own son in a life or death struggle. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy..." And I thought finally, dude took some responsibility. Then he finishes the statement by saying something along the lines of "the pain was unbearable.." . He wasn't talking about Michael "Pee Wee" Walker, he was talking about how painful it was FOR HIM!

That guy is worse then his son, yes his son did the killing, but the father set up the circumstances of everything through indoctrination, paranoia, and isolation.

Anonymous said...

Damn right, how can we be the sane few? "Dr" Ward fed Adam a steady diet of paranoia, conspiracy theory, victim mentality, denial and lack of personal responsibility to a mentally ill and developmentally disabled boy for more than a decade. He loaded a weapon without the safety of remorse. His constant, continued, tenacious and almost self righteous rhetoric seems worse than Adam's actions. I believe he should be forced to bear legal accountability for his actions before and after the tragic loss of a father, son and citizen. Adam was ruined by his father and that directly resulted in Mr Walker's death. The buck stops there. How dare he have a platform to rub salt in the wounds of those precious children and his father. The civic failures weren't in targeting the family wrongfully but in neglecting to remove him from a dangerously neglectful and emotionally abusive home. How sad, sickening and shameful!!!

dureska said...

I agree with all the comments but want to introduce other side of the story. Not that I think that Adam's parents tried this hard but what if they did try to get help for Adam and could not or Adam refused? I am speaking from experience here when we have a son who needs mental health assistance but 1. we would have more luck seeing a Pope then getting an apt with a psychiatrist or hospitalization. Waiting list is about 10 months long and priority is given to patients who are a threat to others or themselves. So by default, if you are not falling into one of these categories, you will be waiting for a long time 2. what if the person who needs mental health help refuses to cooperate? Here in Canada, age of consent is 12 and after that, parents have absolutely no control unless again the child falls into one of the above categories or cooperates. So at the end, even if you as a parent know something needs to be done, the situation can be completely out of your hands as the resources are just not there. From the information given in this episode, it does not sound like this was the case here and yes, the father was in major denial. But just a side note, not to judge the parents so quickly for not being able to take care of their children's mental issues. Not enough resources are being placed behind this and lot of times parents are absolutely helpless.

Unknown said...

Just finished this episode and dr ward is no doubt the reason adam turned out that way. He defended every bad decision his son made as if his son could do no wrong. By the end it really started pissin me off. I agree u cant force an adult child to get help, but u dont justify their mistakes either. Such a sad story

Unknown said...

I thought the same thing. Oh good hes gonna say no father should go thru what pee wee's father went thru...but nope it was about what he and only he went thru..dr ward needs to b locked up too..or at the least shouldve never had custody of adam. I can c y his wife left him...

Unknown said...

Just finished this episode and dr ward is no doubt the reason adam turned out that way. He defended every bad decision his son made as if his son could do no wrong. By the end it really started pissin me off. I agree u cant force an adult child to get help, but u dont justify their mistakes either. Such a sad story

Unknown said...

Just finished this episode and dr ward is no doubt the reason adam turned out that way. He defended every bad decision his son made as if his son could do no wrong. By the end it really started pissin me off. I agree u cant force an adult child to get help, but u dont justify their mistakes either. Such a sad story

Beth said...

I Just have One Thing To Say; The World Will Be A Better Place When Adam Ward is Executed. It's Just To Bad Ralph Ward Won't Also Be Terminated.

Mrs. Burns said...

My family is from Commerce, Tx. A few weeks ago, my second cousin messaged me over facebook and said that she had run into an old friend who needed to get a message to my dad. I don't give out people's information, even to other family members, so I took the message and passed it along to my father. He called me immediately and said that he went to school with the guy that wanted to get ahold of him. He asked if I knew anything else about the message or run-in. I told him no, I didn't. He said the guy was so 'creepy' growing up that he was actually scared of him and didn't want to contact him for any reason. The guy was Ralph Ward. I'm only now researching this and I can't imagine what he wants to say to my dad!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Commerce, knew and went to school with Adam. Lot of Adam's problems came from his father. Adam is not schizophrenic, paranoid, maybe, but no schizophrenic. And don't assume things about the mother, who is a kind woman, the separation didn't happen until he was an adult. It says that in the episode. There was a lot of abuse in that household and you can look at Ralph for what Adam became.

Unknown said...

I totally agree. Dr. Ward wants to blame everyone other than himself!! The true blame is on Dr. Ward and his wife for not getting his son the help he needed (and they recognized!), even now, he refuses to take any responsibility.

Darrell Bowles said...

I'm truly sorry about what I am going to say, but I just saw this too!
1. Someone should said they we should not execute the mentally ill. That may be true, but the fact of the matter is, it's a capital offense. Part of the problem with the justice system is, it is not consistant. If I were to go out and kill someone, having no history of mental illness, then, I am to be punished by the full extent of the law, wich is to say, death. Did adam need treatment? Sure he did, but that is why it's called preventative care, folks. Catch them young. If they have problems at a young, and heavens, trust me, people do, then catch them young. You get them treatment, you get them help, this kind of thing doesn't happen. However, it's too late. He took a life, he did something that can't be undone. The father should be sent to death as well, for giving his obobviously mental ill son the will to do such things. I can think of many more examples whare this is true, but we as society in the name of tolerance and equality, have hundreds of death row inmates exhausting there appeals, and we know that most of them are guilty. I say get the evidence that proves they did it, or proves they did not do it, and make a choice. If they did it, kill them, if not let them go, Why do we have to make it so hard in this country?

Darrell Bowles said...

I'm truly sorry about what I am going to say, but I just saw this too!
1. Someone should said they we should not execute the mentally ill. That may be true, but the fact of the matter is, it's a capital offense. Part of the problem with the justice system is, it is not consistant. If I were to go out and kill someone, having no history of mental illness, then, I am to be punished by the full extent of the law, wich is to say, death. Did adam need treatment? Sure he did, but that is why it's called preventative care, folks. Catch them young. If they have problems at a young, and heavens, trust me, people do, then catch them young. You get them treatment, you get them help, this kind of thing doesn't happen. However, it's too late. He took a life, he did something that can't be undone. The father should be sent to death as well, for giving his obobviously mental ill son the will to do such things. I can think of many more examples whare this is true, but we as society in the name of tolerance and equality, have hundreds of death row inmates exhausting there appeals, and we know that most of them are guilty. I say get the evidence that proves they did it, or proves they did not do it, and make a choice. If they did it, kill them, if not let them go, Why do we have to make it so hard in this country?

jtoddrn said...

I too felt VERY strong emotions about this program....I was so upset watching the father of this man defending his sons actions and also hearing him admit to verbalizing his own negative feelings about the police, the school system and the town to his mentally ill son....he is a HUGE reason that this man did what he did. He should be held accountable for some of what happened on that tragic day. He has no remorse for what HE has made his son into and no empathy for Michael or his family. That makes him more of a narcissist and sociopath than his son will probably ever be. I was so disgusted watching him speak about HIS feelings and HIS sons outcome in all of this. One can only hope, though realistically it will never happen knowing the definition of the above, that"doctor" Ward will someday see that he is the real reason that his son is on death row and will find it in himself to apologize to the family....

Unknown said...

Pretty much I have to agree with almost every person that made comments.

Biggest mistakes I feel that the father of Adam:

1- Get son help at young age.
2- Why have guns that are openly read to use in a house with a mentally unsafe person in it.
( Called a Gun & lock Safe for hand guns and riffles )

As far as the TV show. What really pissed me off was the interview with Adams father. Like that dumb ass smirk when he was talking about Adam spraying the water on Walker. Thought it was funny.Your son killed a man for no reason yet your telling a story about what happened and you smirk about spraying water like its funny or something.He should be charged at the very most with Neglect. Myself I feel he should be the one executed and Adam should be in the nut ward for life and never get out. Because he really is not component to stand trial. there are a lot of things. But pretty much everyone on this thread is mostly in agreement.

jtoddrn said...

I too felt VERY strong emotions about this program....I was so upset watching the father of this man defending his sons actions and also hearing him admit to verbalizing his own negative feelings about the police, the school system and the town to his mentally ill son....he is a HUGE reason that this man did what he did. He should be held accountable for some of what happened on that tragic day. He has no remorse for what HE has made his son into and no empathy for Michael or his family. That makes him more of a narcissist and sociopath than his son will probably ever be. I was so disgusted watching him speak about HIS feelings and HIS sons outcome in all of this. One can only hope, though realistically it will never happen knowing the definition of the above, that"doctor" Ward will someday see that he is the real reason that his son is on death row and will find it in himself to apologize to the family....

Carrie Savings said...

And this is how it ends.....

PRESS UPDATE: The Herald Banner published today that Sheriff Randy Meeks is en route to the Texas Department of Corrections to deliver a "Death Warrant" on Adam Kelly Ward issued recently by the Honorable Judge Richard Beacom of the 354th District Court for the Capital Murder of Michael "Pee Wee" Walker of Commerce Texas. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure in the State of Texas the Sheriff of the County in which a "Death Warrant" is issued must deliver said warrant to the Texas Department of Corrections.
Sheriff Meeks would like the public to remember the real victim in this senseless tragedy. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker worked for the City of Commerce as a Code Enforcement Officer and on June 13th, 2005 he was dispatched to a residence in the 1500 block of Sycamore street in Commerce to document alleged code violations. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was taking pictures of the residence when he was shot multiple times by Adam Ward, a resident of the location. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was not armed and worked alone as all Code Enforcement as they routinely do and was simply doing his job. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker loved his job and is survived by two children and his father.
Adam Ward was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers for Capital Murder.

Carrie Savings said...

And this is how it ends.....

PRESS UPDATE: The Herald Banner published today that Sheriff Randy Meeks is en route to the Texas Department of Corrections to deliver a "Death Warrant" on Adam Kelly Ward issued recently by the Honorable Judge Richard Beacom of the 354th District Court for the Capital Murder of Michael "Pee Wee" Walker of Commerce Texas. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure in the State of Texas the Sheriff of the County in which a "Death Warrant" is issued must deliver said warrant to the Texas Department of Corrections.
Sheriff Meeks would like the public to remember the real victim in this senseless tragedy. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker worked for the City of Commerce as a Code Enforcement Officer and on June 13th, 2005 he was dispatched to a residence in the 1500 block of Sycamore street in Commerce to document alleged code violations. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was taking pictures of the residence when he was shot multiple times by Adam Ward, a resident of the location. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was not armed and worked alone as all Code Enforcement as they routinely do and was simply doing his job. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker loved his job and is survived by two children and his father.
Adam Ward was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers for Capital Murder.

Carrie Savings said...

And this is how it ends.....

PRESS UPDATE: The Herald Banner published today that Sheriff Randy Meeks is en route to the Texas Department of Corrections to deliver a "Death Warrant" on Adam Kelly Ward issued recently by the Honorable Judge Richard Beacom of the 354th District Court for the Capital Murder of Michael "Pee Wee" Walker of Commerce Texas. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure in the State of Texas the Sheriff of the County in which a "Death Warrant" is issued must deliver said warrant to the Texas Department of Corrections.
Sheriff Meeks would like the public to remember the real victim in this senseless tragedy. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker worked for the City of Commerce as a Code Enforcement Officer and on June 13th, 2005 he was dispatched to a residence in the 1500 block of Sycamore street in Commerce to document alleged code violations. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was taking pictures of the residence when he was shot multiple times by Adam Ward, a resident of the location. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker was not armed and worked alone as all Code Enforcement as they routinely do and was simply doing his job. Michael "Pee Wee" Walker loved his job and is survived by two children and his father.
Adam Ward was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers for Capital Murder.

The Raving Queen said...

It just shows...chickens DO come home to roost, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I lived next door to the Ward family for 15 years and I grew up with Adam Ward. His father, whom I refuse to call a Doctor, shot my dog in cold blood. He also ran out several neighbors in our neighborhood. This man, Ralph Ward is a horrific menace to society. His house is and always has been a junkyard eyesore on an otherwise lovely, tree lined street. Ralph should die as far as I am concerned. He made Adam EVIL. Adam suffers indeed from lifelong abuse and mental illness that Ralph Ward fed like the loaded gun that killed "Pee Wee" Walker. It's a damn shame this man, Ralph Ward, is still a free man. He is a killer on the loose.

The Raving Queen said...

I concur with all you say. Hopefully, he will get his someday!

Jenny Ek said...

Hello... the show has just been seen in sweden.... and as a mother to 3 autistic children i wonder, why haven't anyone in society steped in? Adam should have been taken to fostercare as a child and gotten to a test. To see if he was an autistic boy. The school and everyone that met him... why didnt anyone do anything? What i saw in that show is a very sick boy, and since he is soo sick he doesnt understand. And now texas is going to kill the boy. PeeWee should be alive if someone took responsebilaty for the troubled boy, and if someone warned peewee about the wards i believe he would have been more careful... just a swed ;-)

The Raving Queen said...

I could not agree more.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, this show did not cover the whole story. Adam had been receiving counselling at a very young age. He was on many different medications, none of them controlled appropriately. He was tormented in school, by the school. They even made a special box to lock him in. The city of Commerce sent Walker to this house knowing there were problems with the family. They should have sent a police escort with him, but they didn't. The city is responsible for this young man's death. The city targeted the Ward family for years. At the trial there was jury tampering, the judge ignored it and did not sequester the jury. The Psychologist was not allowed to testify. One of Ward's teachers was not allowed to testify. A change of venue was not granted. There was so much wrong with this. There is no question that Ward shot Walker, but it is all the years that lead up to it that is the problem, as well as, the fixed trial itself. Ward needs help, not the needle. Being in prison and away from his home environment, has helped. Just on a side note, Walker was given custody of his grandchildren. He's a convicted child sex offender!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!!??

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, this show did not cover the whole story. Adam had been receiving counselling at a very young age. He was on many different medications, none of them controlled appropriately. He was tormented in school, by the school. They even made a special box to lock him in. The city of Commerce sent Walker to this house knowing there were problems with the family. They should have sent a police escort with him, but they didn't. The city is responsible for this young man's death. The city targeted the Ward family for years. At the trial there was jury tampering, the judge ignored it and did not sequester the jury. The Psychologist was not allowed to testify. One of Ward's teachers was not allowed to testify. A change of venue was not granted. There was so much wrong with this. There is no question that Ward shot Walker, but it is all the years that lead up to it that is the problem, as well as, the fixed trial itself. Ward needs help, not the needle. Being in prison and away from his home environment, has helped. Just on a side note, Walker was given custody of his grandchildren. He's a convicted child sex offender!!! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!!??

The Raving Queen said...

Indeed, how did that happen? Much of this story says a lot about
rural justice. Remember the classic song, "The Night The Lights Went
Out In Georgia?" Not so far from the truth!!!!!!!!!!!

jbdatx said...

Spot on, crazy people make crazy people

The Raving Queen said...

Amen to that!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Very sad story... Crazy people make disturbed younger minds worse!! The justice system should of done more investigation on the father for all of this. How many more cases are out there where innocent minds are disturbed so far to do stuff like this! But can they be fully blamed? No... Parenting needs to change!! But at the same time, the legal system needs to change too!
Because it all starts from younger years, like when U raise your kids! If you raise them in a way where there's discipline, and sometimes you have to spank your kids, they already teach your kids in school that if they get spanked for whatever reason, or disciplined then they have the right to call CPS! Therefore most parents don't know how to discipline their children by balancing a good spanking to discipline. Some people straight up take their rage on their kids!! There needs to be a revised protocol mainframe where parents can diacipline their kids and at the same time not be in fear they can't because CPS will be called.
If there was correct and fair amount of discipline, there would be less cases like these! But if the parents are sick aswell, then there goes our future generation!!! God be with those families still out there who have sick children, so they can raise them correctly and guide them the right way!!

Unknown said...

I'm loss for words, ARE U SERIOUS!??? And who else lives with the so called "DR" ward????

Unknown said...

I knew Adam from elementary school. I remember when I got in trouble he was locked in that box.

Unknown said...

I meant when he got in trouble he was locked in the box. Adam was 2 grades under me in school. When I was 7 years of age I had the same problems as him.

The Raving Queen said...

Yes, but you did not go down his path, did you?

Unknown said...

Not quite, but I got a lot of love & care. Plus PRAYER!!

The Raving Queen said...

Consider yourself fortunate.
Though it must have been sad for
you to know him, and how he ended up.
I had the same experience with a
childhood friend. He ended his life
with a descent into alcoholism and

JRFOYT41 said...

I'm just seeing this episode on "Fatal Encounters" for the 1st time. I read about the outcome online halfway through the program. I was and am so incensed at the father Ralph Ward because it's his fault Mr. Walker is dead. My heart goes out to his father and children.

I normally take these types of stories in stride. After all, there are over 325 million people in the United States. But as I watched it and noticed how "Dr" Ward acted, the more pissed off I got. I had to Google the story, outcome, and what kind of Doctor this fool is or was. I was in total disbelief he was so effing stupid and had "Dr" in front of his name and they kept a junk pile in the yard or porch or wherever. The Walker family, or father at least, was the total antithesis of this Ward ahole. Thee nicest person you could ever hope to meet.

Im anti death penalty, but if there ever was one, this is it. Don't give me the mental illness story. That ship had sailed, especially after he stabbed that kid in the high school bathroom. Either way both of his parents are responsible for the outcome of this murderer. For the father to act so nonchalant and worry about his kid getting another trial instead of taking ownership for the monster he & his ex wife created, it made me want to punch his face through the TV.

The end

The Raving Queen said...


I agree. The parents did nothing
to get their son help. The mother,
for all intent, abandons him, leaving
him with a mentally problematic father.
That bomb was just waiting to detonate
in that house! What an a hole about
having a Ph.D. Yes, I too wanted
to punch is face through the TV.
Thanks for responding!

Unknown said...

After watching this sad story my opinion is Dr Ward unknowingly had been grooming his son years for this outcome. That was obvious to me in the first 15 minutes of the program. I am not sad for Dr Ward in the least but very sad for the two children of Dick Peewee Walker who obviously loved their daddy very much. I was happy the state executed the monster.

The Raving Queen said...


I think the seeds were implanted in Adam from
birth. What his father did was not set a good
example for him, or get him the help he needed.
It is no surprise to me, seeing the doctor's
personality, that the parents split. Bet she
was the one who walked out, and I don't blame
her. As for the Walker family, the Wards did them
irreparable damage!

Unknown said...

I actually grew up with the father, Ralph. Pretty much everyone in town knew he was unbalanced. Ralph had a head injury at an early age (~12) and was peculiar ever since, including shooting neighborhood pets for fun.

He grew up very conservative, and harbors many anti-government grievances which he instilled into his son. His wife is a sweet woman, but enabling.

The Raving Queen said...

That is the trouble with women married to
those types. It forces them to become enablers.
They have no choice.