Friday, March 31, 2023

Can You Believe We Are One Fourth Through 2023????????????????????????

                         It has, indeed, been quite a March.  Let's start with The Winter That Never Was, where those of us in the Metropolitan area barely got a patch of snow.  Proserpina came back from Hell, The Swallows Returned To Capistrano, so Spring finally came.

                             We also saw "Dear World," at the ENCORES! which I was happy about, having never ever seen it, and the show being one of David's favorite musicals.

                               "Svengoolie" showed some real emotional/camp gems, like "KONGA!" and "Blood Of Dracula."  And who could forget Oliver Reed's one-note performance in "Curse Of The Werewolf.?" Like Sandra Harrison, he looked better as the monster.  Maybe this is why both were shown in March.

                                 I survived the dentist.  And I draw nearer to my 50th high school reunion.  Oh, my God!  Ger me an outfit to equal Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Trial was a joke, but Jamie Lee Curtis triumphed at the Oscars.  She shows anyone can go from an allegedly B film to Oscar work!!!!!!!!!!!  I still have a chance, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        But, hell, I want to look like Ronee Blakley, as Barbara Jean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Rest In Peace, Seamus Butler, whom we lost this month.

                       Love to my beloved, David, all my girls here, all my animal friends, living and stuffed!

                        See you next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join Us Tomorrow Night, As "Svengoolie" Presents "Abbott And Costello Meet The Mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Here is a film none of us have seen.  Released in 1955, it may be the last of the "Abott and Costello Meet....." monster films.  An actor billed as Edwin Parker plays The Mummy, and I swear, from the trailer, his make-up is so cheesy, one can practically see through to his skin.

                                        As for the famed comedy team, it appears they do the same schtick they did in 'Meet Frankenstein,' and 'Meet Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde,' which have been shown on "Svengoolie."

                                        There is also a campy chanteuse, played by Peggy King, billed as "George Gobel's girlfriend."  I never knew Gobel had one; I always thought he was gay, and her being connected to him shows just how far such an association gets one in Hollywood.

                                            We are all on the fence about this one.  The only ones excited are our new arrivals--Cucumbo's friends, a stuffed bear and rabbit, who have not seen anything.  And only nine more days till the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                But join us anyway, girls!  We love having you, and it is fun to discover--however dismal--a new film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Be there, or be square, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two Real-Life Brothers In One Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Ever since Dean Winters appeared as Brian Cassidy in "Law And Order," I had eyes for him.  I mean, he was hot back then; why couldn't he have been gay or given a fight scene with Chris Meloni--who is still hot.

                          Now, making a deserved fortune for his Mr. Mayhem commercials for All State Insurance, Mr. Winters is still good looking.  When I first saw the ad pictured above, I thought, how did they find someone so close in resemblance to Winters, to be convincing as a sibling?

                            Imagine my surprise when I found out, searching, that this is indeed Mr. Winters' brother. His name is Scott William Winters, and they are a year apart.  Their banter is hilarious, and it adds an extra layer to the character Winters has created out of Mr. Mayhem.  I just love him.

                             Two handsome brothers, girls!  Hubba hubba!  Let's double date, with chocolate ice cream sodas--but with vanilla ice cream.

                               The advertisers at All State know what they are doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Just May Have Been Gwyneth Paltrow's Best Perfomance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Poor Blythe.  She does the best she can, raising a daughter, sending her to Spence, and look how things turn out.

                             The whole Gwyneth Paltrow Ski Trial was a joke.  The moment Terry Sanderson collided with her, knowing who she was, he thought he had hit pay dirt.  Well, guess what, slimeball, the joke is on you.

                               Now, I am no fan of Gwyneth.  I do not even consider her an actress anymore; more of an "influencer," with GOOP, and the smell of her vagina candle!  Who could take her seriously now?

                                But she pulled out all stops in court.  Someone should edit the whole thing into a camp documentary film that might net Gwyneth the Oscar she deserves, instead of the one she did not, for 1998's "Shakespeare In Love."  Her dead grandfather is still embarrassed.

                                   I have to give her one thing.  The hair was perfect.  Even if she sometimes looked like Joan Didion on a bender.  And Blythe was smart to stay away.

                                      As to the outcome, I am with Gwyneth.

                                      For what may be the only time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Blood Of Dracula" Shows Why I Never Took Chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Well actually, darlings, I did, for about two days.

                             This was a bad time.  My mother had recently passed, and I was having trouble landing a job that would put me on a career path.  I decided to take a basic Chem class at Middlesex County--which I could afford on my own, back in 1979--and I must say the concepts outlined the first day were fascinating.  If only labs were not involved.

                               Because, in one of my first lab steps, I made a mistake, and almost blew up the place!  Immediately after, I looked at the college catalog, and there I saw it--an evening course called "History Of American Musical Theater."  And I thought I would be going to Rutgers School Of Pharmacy!  Hah!  I marched into that other class, where the instructor was so impressed by me, he had me stay after class, and it was like a real-life version of the Cassie-Zach scene in "A Chorus Line."  That put me on the right path, and here I am today.  I lasted in Chemistry only two days.

                                   Returning to the topic at large, Saturdays are especially fun, when "Svengoolie" shows "Blood Of Dracula."  You know, the one where Sandra Harrison looks better as the monster!   Girls, if you need a film fix of this it is on You Tube in its entirety.

                                     On this viewing, there were several things I learned--

                      Having a tramp stepmother (Jeanne Dean steals every moment she is in, as Miss Roundheels Doris) will get a girl sent to a third-rate boarding school, with subliminal lesbianism.  I mean, the headmistress' name is Mrs. Thorndyke!  Wink, wink!  Sherwood was NOT Miss Porter's;  Lee Radziwill would never have been caught dead here!  What is it with stepmothers and boarding school?  Remember Eleanor Parker alluding to such in "The Sound Of Music?"

                        The girls are so desperate they dance with pillows, and spout as erotic fantasies as the studio would allow.  The boys that substitute for the pillows look like they are just at puberty, while the girls surpass them.  In fact, the boys' jeans are tighter than the girls' skirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I swear on one of them, his penile and testicular outlines were exposed.  Something for everyone, I guess!
                     This film demonstrates the consequences of repressed lesbianism.  The better dressed, Nancy, (Sandra Harrison) will always attack the inferior dressed, Miss Branding (Louise Lewis).  Also, girls, if it is bosoms you want, this film has plenty.  But you have to feel sorry for Miss Branding, "all dressed up and no place to go," to paraphrase a Meat Loaf song. When one is obsessed with Chemistry, and has no other life, madness reigns.  No one got this way from English Literature.  I can attest to that.

                      In short, "Blood Of Dracula" is always a blast to watch.  I am ready to dash into the city, to Sally Hershberger, and ask for the Sandra Harrison Monster look!  I bet Sally could do it!

                        Once again, girls, NEVER take Chemistry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay The Hell Away From Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Bay Ridge--hell, the borough of Brooklyn--is chock-a-block with Italian restaurants, and I love to sample new ones.  Having sampled Sofia's last night, I can only suggest you stay away, girls!

                          As David has said, Covid has made changes in our lives.  No more being seeing and socializing at Cipriani's by The Raving Queen; now it has been reduced to socializing in Brooklyn.  And the quality of service has decreased due to staff shortages.

                            Which may explain why the service here was so poor. And we did have a large party.  But when one member had to get up, and ask the waiter to come over, so we could order, something is very wrong.  Where is the manager?

                                  I will say this, it has a romantic atmosphere.  But the cuisine is sub-par.  It is one cut above what the same dish would be like if served in a diner or pizzeria.   And yet, Sofia's passes itself off as a high-end place.

                                   Maybe at one time.  Maybe it is living off a past reputation.  But it will never equal our two favorites--Positano's and Peppino's.

                                      I had Spaghetti Bolognese.  The sauce was obviously from a jar, and I could have had the same thing, with better service, and cheaper, at the Off Shore Diner..

                                       Excerpt for the atmosphere, Sofia's had nothing going for it.

                                        Remember John Mahoney in "Moonstruck?"  He would have thrown water in every staff member's face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good News, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The point of this post, dolls, is not the coffee mug, though it would go fabulously with my collection.  It is the reason I have not been on here since Wednesday, which, beside being Amy Sedaris' birthday, was a day of anxiety for me.

                                  Both David and I had dental appointments, and go to the same dentist, who is not far from our apartment, and whom we like very much.  But then David upped my anxiety.

                                   He insisted on going into the city, to Madison and 57th, to get his zipper fixed on a Burberry coat.  This ride, which is one way, takes almost an hour. He left at 9:45, and I was a wreck.  I could not go with him, our appointments were at 1PM and 145PM, respectively, and I did not think he would get back in time.  And I have to pre-medicate an hour before.

                                      Added to that the encroaching fear of traveling in NYC, thanks our news coverage, even though most events seem to occur in Queens or The Bronx.  You know, the one that's "uptown, and to the right."  But things happen everywhere, even on the Upper East Side, for God's sake.
But not on Sutton Place, and that park. It is still my dream to move there.

                                        Believe it or not, David made it.  He called from the store, to tell me he was on his way home, and in fact, when I arrived at the dentist's office, he was seated in the waiting room already.  I could feel myself begin to compress.

                                          And walking out the door, after the exam, free for another six months.  As Irene Cara once sang, "What a feeling!"

                                          I survived another one, girls!  But I still suffer from Dental Anxiety Disorder.


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Happy Birthday, Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               In spite of my high, HIGH anxiety, I discovered this day is a good sign.  It is Amy Sedaris' birthday, and she is 62 years old.  I never looked that good at 62.  

                                Congratulations, Amy, on your special day.  May it be filled with color and light, the way you decorate.   And my girls and I hope that you make a return to television, and soon; things have not been the same since you left.  I miss Lezbo and Esther, among others.

                                   So, everyone a Happy Birthday to Amy Sedaris!  Keep on going, as we, your fans, love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

So, Here Is The Latest, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I know I have not been on here lately, but here are some things that have been going on.

                         First, what could top seeing "Dear World" the previous week, but--

                         Did you know Saturday was The Feast Of The Annunciation?  And it was not even mentioned at mass.  It was also my cousin Patty's birthday.  Also, the 112th Anniversary of The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire?

                          Sunday was the birthday of my late friend, David Riley, but it was also the fifth anniversary of The Hart Family Murders?  I have just started reading a book about it called "Once We Were A Family."

                          Oh, my God, tomorrow I have to go to the dentist!  I have Dental Anxiety Disorder.  At least David is going with me--we see the same dentist.

                           Thursday, I have a birthday dinner to go to, and the menu is limited, and what the hell am I going to wear?

                             So, that is how things have been going, darlings!  Wish me luck tomorrow!


Friday, March 24, 2023

Join Us Tomorrow Night, Darlings, As "Svengoolie" Again Shows This Camp/Glam Classic! But My Question Is, Is It A Lesbian-Vampire, Or A Vampire- Lesbian Film????????????????????

                       Since David and I have been watching "Svengoolie" on Saturday night, this is the third time he has shown "Blood Of Dracula," and for goood reason.

                        This 1957 film is a hoot!  Let's start with the opening, where Jeanne Dean steals the show, albeit for the short time she is on screen, as Daddy's newlywed tramp, Doris.  A real round heels, this one!

                          Then, of course, the great make-up job on Sandra Harrison, making her look more attractive as the monster than herself!  Girls, I am telling you, if I walked down the street looking like this, people would think I had just come from Sally Hershberger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Then there is Mrs. Thorndyke (!!!!) the headmistress, and evil repressed lesbian Miss Branding, played by the scene stealing Louise Lewis.  Who played a sympathetic role in this film's counterpart, "I Was A Teenage Werewolf."

                           The girls study chemistry, have wild parties, and wait till you hear the song "Puppy Love."  But when Sandra Harrison comes to the fore as the monster, glamour is afoot!  Watch out!

                            Join all us girls tomorrow at eight, for this blast.  Baby Gojira and Pippin cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

"KONGA" Did Not Deserve What He Got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Girls, I first saw this film on a black-and-white set, when I was a child, so I had no idea it had been shot in color.  At first, I thought it had been colorized.

                       But no, the film was in color, which made it look even worse than it did.  If video tapes had existed, I am sure Michael Gough and Margo Johns would have sent this film to Edward Albee, suggesting themselves as contestants for the roles of George and Martha in his forthcoming play, "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?"  In your dreams, dears, as the acting was not up to any standard.  Konga actually gave the best performance in the film.

                        What I object to the film, and what makes it sad for me, is that Konga was a cute chimpanzee who was entrapped and exploited.  When he turned giant ape, Charles Decker and his assistant, Margaret, got exactly what they deserved.  But the ending of this film I could not watch, so I left the room.  Here is what I recall.

                        Konga reaches Big Ben in London, carrying Michael Gough in his hand.  The chimes ring out, and for some reason that does not make sense, Konga begins to grow smaller and smaller.  The last shot is the dead body of Michael Gough, next to a dead cute little chimpanzee.  This really upset me as a kid, and I was not about to go through it again.

                          Seeing how awful a film it is--mean spirited, and exploitative-- I do not think "Svengoolie" should show "KONGA" again.

                          And while we are on the subject of "Svengoolie," I want to say I don't think his extra half- hour format is working.  Go back to two hours, because the extra half hour drags.

                            Besides, we miss "Sventoonie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Everyone Wants To Get Into The Celebratory Spirit Of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Who can be blamed for celebrating Spring?  Isn't this cow cute, girls?   It escaped from some animal sanctuary--I wonder why? --and was found scurrying through Brooklyn.  Unfortunately, it did not run through Bay Ridge, but confined its travels to Sheepshead Bay and Canarsie.

                          Not since Barney The Bull has anything bovine caused so much excitement.  I just hope the cow enjoyed his Spring jaunt and is returned safely to where he came from.

                             Hey, maybe his milk supply was low, and he needed some from the supermarket!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2023

"Please Take Your Medicine, Dear World!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please Keep Your Courage Up, DEAR WOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD!"

                      "Dear World, " which opened on February 16, 1969, at the Mark Hellinger Theatre, boasting a cast the likes of Angela Lansbury, Carmen Mathews, Jane Connell, and Milo O' Shea, was Jerry Herman's "Anyone Can Whistle."  It ran longer than Sondheim's 1964 musical, but the message was the same--those we call insane really are not, and vice versa.

                         Even the score seems influenced by 'Whistle'.  The song "I Don't Want To Know," nailed by Donna Murphy with technical perfection, recalls the earlier "There Won't Be Trumpets.

                         Miss Murphy has always been a technically perfect performer, but she fails to draw this viewer in emotionally, and if you listen to the Original Cast Album, with Angela Lansbury and Company, you will know what I mean.    Another song, "Tomorrow Morning," brought tears to my eyes.

                           But the score is not up to Herman's other works, and the book is meandering.  The plot is almost predictable.  However, count on ENCORES!  to liven things up.
              One of those moments, in Act One, comes when Samantha Williams, as Nina, stops the show with her heartrending rendition of "I've Never Said I Love You." Sign this girl up.  Under the right management, she could stand alongside Jessie Mueller and Lindsay Mendez.  One of the best reasons for going to ENCORES! is to discover magical talent like this.  I will not soon forget Miss Williams' thrilling rendition , which also brought tears to my eyes.

              Another performer who scores is Anna Hardara  whose mini-showstopper, "Dickie," about her imaginary dog, is equal to the great Jane Connell in the original.

                Adapted from Jean Giraudoux's "The Madwoman Of Chaillot, it gets the madness, the "save the world" anthem, but not the "Dear."  Again, this is partially due to Murphy who, leading the company, should draw the audience in, but she is not able to.  She hasn't the warmth needed for the role.

               But I have to hand it to Murphy.  Having missed rehearsals due to Covid, she skillfully, almost without notice, did the dialogue from book, but when it came to the blocking and musical numbers, she was on the mark every time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I was grateful for this opportunity to see "Dear World," a chance I surely will not get again.  Despite ENCORES! pouring its high standard all into it, the show misses, mainly because of a flimsy book, which can be overlooked, but not a leading lady who does not exude warmth.

                 And any Theater Queens who want to attack me about Donna Murphy, all I can say is--"Get off my stage!  I am taking up where BARBRA left off!  Wait till you hear my rendition of "Coronet Man."

                    Still, the show points out it is a "Dear World," and we must make the most of it while we live in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Darlings, Wouldn't We All Like To Wear The Light Colored, Dot Patterned Robe Janet Leigh Wears, Before Stepping Into The Shower, In "Psycho????????????"

                      If there was one prop from the 1960 movie "Psycho" that I could have, it would be the robe worn by Janet Leigh, before she steps into the shower.  Girls, has anyone looked so good performing this mundane, hygienic act?  It is an inspiration for all of us to look good, before, during and after our shower..

                     After all, as Janet found out, one never knows who may walk in.  Let's hope it is someone good looking, and not some drag nut wielding a butcher knife.  But he never got the forty thousand dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Once more, Janet inspires!  She and Hitchcock raised the bar on shower taking higher!

                        So, check your robe carefully, before stepping in, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Today Is The Day Proserpina Comes Back From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This means that today, as I was taught, not yesterday, is the First Day Of Spring.  Proserpina comes out of the ground to visit her mother for six months, and things bloom and thrive when she does.  Hope we can all say the same about ourselves.

                              As one newscaster said last night, "The Winter that never was is over."  I am telling you, the strangest Winter I have experienced in my life.  Who could have known?

                                But with Spring comes the hope of outdoor teas and dining al fresco.

                                 Just like "Alice In Wonderland," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Welcome Spring!  And what better way to welcome it then--

                                That's right; "Le Sacre Du Printemps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Monday, March 20, 2023

For Baby Boomers Such As I, Silly Putty Is FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             When we were young, the media picked on us, and now, as we become Senior Citizens, they pick on us again.  One recent article I read said we were too old school for using land line phones, paper money, and even writing out checks.  Excuse me???????????  As long as boomers are on this earth, these things will ever be obliterated.

                                 And that doubly goes for Silly Putty.  Who would dare attack that?  I owned it, and so did most of my contemporaries.  In the original TV screen designed package, which I just loved.  I mean, if you did not have Silly Putty, you were nothing.

                                  There was something comforting about it, same as Play-Doh.  And I loved picking up comic images from the papers and stretching them all out of proportion.

                                    I wonder if the creator of The Blob from the 1958 movie had anything to do with this?  I would not be surprised.

                                       Fellow boomers, fight!  Do not give up your creature comforts!  And especially not Silly Putty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Remember, it is OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Low Can One Go, In Bay Ridge?????????????????????????

                    So, girls, it was Saturday, we were doing our chores, and one of them was to deliver a book I had read to one of the Little Free Libraries on Ovington Avenue.  Sometimes I even find a book I want in one of these.

                     To our utter disillusionment, on the one nearest Ovington Avenue, was a note informing donators that during the night thieves had been stealing books from these venues, which is why they were so empty.  Nevertheless, we put my book in, hoping some deserving person would get it.

                       Then we proceeded to the library further down near Ridge Boulevard which generally contains better, literary material.   It, too, was empty.  I could not believe this.  Even worse, when we were proceeding home on Ridge, we discovered that the children's free library was also pretty empty.

                         How low can one go?  Stealing books out of a free library?  And stealing children's books?  That's like stealing from the poor box in a Catholic church, and there is not much in there, anyway!!!!!!!!!!

                          What do these so-called thieves do with these books?  They certainly don't read them, or give them out to children!  And, really, how much money can one expect to get from such merchandise.

                              Where are the cops?  Who cares about stolen books?  This is what our culture, and now our neighborhood, has come to????????????

                                Forget "Three Coins In The Fountain," darlings.  Soon, thieves will be scooping coins out of fountains!

                                   If they aren't already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

"When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano.........."

                               "......that's the time I'll be coming back to you."

                               Yes, girls, it is that time of year again, as Spring draws closer.  Today is the Feast Of Saint Jospeh, and it is also the day, according to folklore that the swallows return to Capistrano, the mission, in California.

                                We are moving on, darlings, and soon Winter 2023 will be history.  It is a time to hope and yearn for joy.

                            And what better way to celebrate than with Pat Boone's 1957 rendering of this classic?

Friday, March 17, 2023

Some Lingering Questions About "The Sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      Maybe because my 50th high school reunion is slowly approaching--in June--and on the guest list are several people I would rather not see--"The Sleepover" has been popping into my mind.  It has not been there for a long time.

                   For those who may not know, this was a 2004 episode of "Cold Case."  A bullying duo of girls, along with the victim's former friend, invite outcast Rita Baxter over to Brandi Beaudry's for a sleepover, with the entire evening going to shambles, culminating in child abuse, and, later, murder.

                   For those wishing to read more on "The Sleepover," search the space bar for posts referring to it.  What I question is what happened in the aftermath, before daylight, and the discovery of Rita's body.

                   Tiffany O' Connell (Ashley Rose Orr, pictured here as the young Tiffany) says she left Rita in the room with Ariel and Brandi.  She tried to get Rita to leave with her, and take her home, but the others would not let her.  Discouraged, and already feeling guilt, Tiffany marched downstairs, and discovered the Beaudrys' liquor cabinet, helping herself to samples, until she passed out.

                      So, was Tiffany still passed out, when the Beaudrys came downstairs that morning?  How would that have played out for them?  Had they taken her home, her father might have pressed charges on the Beaudrys.  How would the couple have dealt with it?  Theirs was a house of secrets, and they did not want any of those secrets exposed.  And this was before Rita's body was found, in 1990, and the whole thing exposed fourteen years later, in 2004.

                       Tiffany's passing out just might have thrown more light on the case.  My guess is either she got up in time, and left, or she was found, fed, and sent home, as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  The last is how the Beaudrys would have wanted it, and it makes sense to me.

                          What do you think, girls?  Realistically, how would such a situation have been handled?

                           And for those who have not, I urge you to watch "The Sleepover."



Girls, Join Us Tomorrow Evening, As "Svengoolie" Presents "KONGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 When this film first came out, in 1961--playing at the Rivoli Theater in New Brunswick; where else? --I was all of six years old and had not even seen "King Kong" yet.  I knew the older film was about a giant gorilla, but that is it.  And, for some reason I mispronounced this film as "KONGO!," at first.  And thought it was some "King Kong" redo.  But it really is not.

                                     I want to warn you, darlings, this is a very sad film.  The sadness does not really come till the end; all I will say is to keep your eye on Margo Johns as Dr. Decker's (Michael Gough) assistant, Margaret!  Just like Blanche was the real villain in 'Baby Jane.....' but that's all I can say.

                                       For those more sensitive viewers there is a moment near the end, where, if you wish to turn it off, go ahead.  Just like when Kong puts Fay Wray down on the Empire State Building, I switch my set off.

                                        It will be interesting to see what readers think of this film.  I don't kknow how Svengoolie can show two such upsetting films, unless he wants to drive audiences into therapy.  Hey, it's not like it could not help!

                                         So, watch "KONGA!" with my cautious warning.

                                         And cheer up!  I happen to know that next week, Svengoolie is planning to show a favorite I have often discussed on here, along with its leading lady!!!!!!!!!  It is a guaranteed hoot, and sure to make one forget the last two weeks!

                                          See you all tomorrow, at eight, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Panther Woman Stole The Show, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But "Island Of Lost Souls" Was More Disturbing Than I First Thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I mean, with Kathleen Burke writhing before Richard Arlen as Edward Parker, in a style unseen until Olive Deering in DeMille's 1956 "The Ten Commandments," not to mention sadism and vivisection, "Island Of Lost Souls" turned out to be a most disturbing evening, and one of the most disturbing films "Svengoolie" has ever shown.

                                     Charles Laughton, as Dr. Moreau, certainly hammed it up, what with his white suit, his wry delivery of lines, cracking the whip like he was hosting an S and M party, and his classic "Playgirl" pose--to lure Richard Arlen, I suppose--so the film had its campy moments.  But the psychological and scientific underpinnings were terrifying, and the screams from the House Of Pain were gruesomely chilling.  If the Hays Code had been in place, then, this would never have been made.  As it was, according to Svengoolie, the film was banned in 1932 in some Midwestern states, and in the U.K.  Guess it went over the heads of the rest of America.

                                          Girls, I was so impressed by this film, I picked up a copy of what it was based on--H.G. Wells' novel, "The Island Of Dr. Moreau."  It has so many parallels to "Frankenstein," there is no Panther Woman in it, although Moreau tortures a puma, trying to make it into a woman, and the entire thing is narrated by the main character, here named Edward Prendick.

                                            Take it from me, dolls, this was not a film for children or the faint of heart. Even I was pretty unnerved by it.

                                               But you just got to love The Panther Woman's look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Who knows?  It may have foreshadowed "She Demons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Greetings From Sparky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, girls, you may not know Sparky, but let me explain.   She is the lovable parrot, owned by Deidre and Michael Butler, owners of the late Seamus Butler.  Sparky was an important part of Paws Truly, too, in tandem with Seamus.  She had to warm up to you, but once she did, I had a friend. Which is what Sparky was, to me.  Don't worry, girls, she is very much alive and well.  This post was meant to be a balm for those sad over the loss of Seamus.

                                 I used to walk into the shop, and Sparky would call out "Hello!"  If I called her a pretty bird, she would answer back "Pretty bird!"  She knew a compliment when she heard one.

                                  Most of all, Sparky loved when I fed her either pasta or peanuts!  She loved them both! And she took them from my hand so gently!  How I miss feeding them to her now.  But Sparky is now living in New Jersey.  I can only hope she comes back for a visit.

                                 But Sparky sends love and greetings to all, because love is what she is all about.  I am sure she misses Seamus, too!

                                 Love you, Sparky!  Keep us fans of yours cheering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It's a great day for the Irish, girls!  The leprechauns are all crazy about it!

                           Of course, on this day, everyone has a little bit of Irish in them, so go ahead and celebrate.

                            David and I are going to celebrate with a homemade corned beef and cabbage dinner; just about the only time I ever have corned beef.  And, girls, for those who are devout Catholics do not worry, the rule is that if St. Patrick's Day falls on a Friday during Lent, meat can be eaten.  So, eat up!

                            If only I could small enough to sit on a toadstool.  But now I am reverting to Lewis Carroll!

                            Hey, reading 'Alice' would not be a bad way to celebrate.

                            However you choose to celebrate, girls, may the luck of the Irish be with you, always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Apologies For Not Being On Here, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Darlings, the last couple of days have been frantic, so how could I even get near a computer?  On Wednesday, David had to prep for his colonoscopy, which was held yesterday; we had to be at the test center by 7:30AM, so we had to get up at 5AM.  Can you believe it?  Darlings, I was not cut out for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         The good part is David sailed through, was told not to come back until the standard five years, and we got to go home, and rest for the day.  I slept for about four hours, which is unusual for me, and last night I slept five hours through the night, which is also unusual for me.  I must be in need of sleep, which is fine with me, because once I am out, the rest is blissful.

                          But there were two posts I meant to write on here, so I am going to give them in a two-for-one presentation.


              The Ides Of March--It was this past Wednesday.  We are always warned to beware this date, but I am happy to report that on this year's Ides, nothing out of the ordinary happened.  Still, it is especially important to keep your eyes and wits about you, particularly if one is venturing out into what is now the Wild West that is New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                         Yesterday was the 60th--that is sixty years ago, darlings!!!!!!!!!!---Anniversary of My First Holy Communion.  Ah, the memories of that day.  To think, I was only 8 years old, and I had absolutely no idea what was ahead for me!   Looking back, I wonder if I would have done things differently.  But had I, it would not have brought me to the wonderful place I am now, so I can only look back on this day with joy.  I am certain Sister Camille would consider this occasion celebratory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             So, now you are all brought up to date, dolls, here is what follows!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What If The City Subway Tracks And Tunnels, Plus The Sewer System, Were Infiltrated With These?????????????????????

                                   It is right out of a sci-fi movie, I know, girls, but the Capybara is a giant roach, living in the area from Panama to Argentina.  Hey, that does not mean one could find its way up north, and the next thing you know NYC would have a killer rat crisis.  Against 4' rats, the city would not stand a chance!  

                                    This would outdo even "Willard."  And I am talking about the one and only 1971 original, with Bruce Davison, Elsa Lanchester, and Ernest Borgnine; in this film the fantasy object of every disgruntled employee.  Not the abominable 2003 remake, with Crispin Glover.  Hey, whatever became of him, anyway??????????????

                                       In the number "It's A Fine Life," from "Oliver!" Nancy sings, in one line, "Though diseased rats threaten to bring the plague in."  They could do it here.  Hey, we aren't that different from the denizens of Dickens' London.  I see rats in the subway tracks, and never bat an eye.  Once, in Manhattan, one walked right past me, and I never thought about it.

                                      But if these Capybaras get up here, we will be in REAL trouble!  And with climate and environmental change, I think it could happen.  I just cannot anticipate when.

                                        Girls, this brings new meaning to the exclamatory remark, "Rats!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, March 13, 2023

The Day New York City Changed For The Worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Three years ago today, darlings, David and I were enroute to our dermatologist, Dr. Pomerantz, for mutual appointments.  When done, we got on the D train to go back to Brooklyn, and as we rode with the Manhattan skyline behind us, David said, "Say goodbye to Manhattan."

                         It was the beginning of the shutdown, due to early Covid.  But it was also the beginning of a time, still remaining, when the city would never be the same.  Prior to this date, I felt safe in the city, whenever I had to go there, which was with more frequency then, as opposed to now.

                            Greed, violence, random attacks--all happened before--but not with the frequency escalated post Covid.  This illness really did, and continues to do, something to peoples' minds.  Compassion, kindness, empathy seem to have gone out the window, and so has personal responsibility.  Nothing is anyone's fault, because it is always blamed on the other person.  Again, I maintain this was in place before, but has rapidly accelerated due to Covid, and the nation's polarization, what with the pro-vax and anti-vaxers.

                            The city is not what it was.  I have been coming here since the 70's, moved her in the 80's, and while things could be dicey then, and I was always cautious, I felt safe enough to ride the subway at any hour.  Now I afraid to ride it in the day, and go out after dark.

                              Even we think about leaving New York, but where?

                              I will tell you where.  We need to find a new city that is like the old New York.

                              Because it is never coming back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something Else Janet Leigh Teaches Us In "Psycho," Darlings---How To Pack A Suitcase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            There is a shot in the film I could not capture, but it shows the suitcase fully packed, her shower robe draped over it, as she adds a white slip to complete her ensemble.  Now, THAT, girls, is how to pack a suitcase.

                               Repeated viewings of this scene could serve as a master class in how to properly pack a suitcase.  Just like Anne Revere shows us all how to fold laundry in "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                So, no matter if you are fleeing town with stolen money, or just taking a weekend trip, always fully pack your suitcase, like Janet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And hide that money, with extreme care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Laurie Strode To An Oscar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Darlings, I am so happy this morning for Jamie Lee Curtis!  What a career trajectory!  And what a heartfelt speech.  Now, David and I have not seen the film she won for yet, but we plan to, very soon.

                             I guess the Academy agreed that Jamie is a woman, because she was named "Best Supporting Actress." Remember my questioning post, several days back?

                             As she said, it was almost like carrying on her parents' legacy, because both of them were nominated for Oscars, but did not win.

                             Congratulations, Jamie!  Yours was the highlight of the evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Darlings, Everyone Here Is Excited About The Panther Woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I am even more excited, girls, that "Svengoolie" is showing a real gem tomorrow night, which you must join us for at eight--Paramount's 1932 film, "Island Of Lost Souls."

                                      This was a daring, for its time, film version of H.G. Wells' novel "The Island Of Dr. Moreau."  Charles Laughton plays the title character brilliantly, trying to convert animals into humans.  I am surprised this got past the censors, since it borders on cloning, which is judged by some, like the Catholic Church, immoral.  Same with stem cell research.  I wonder why no one said anything in 1932????????  Maybe this was way over audiences' heads.

                                       Now, though Laughton is in it, his wife, Elsa Lanchester, is not.  I guess that would have been too much animal conversion.

                                        The real scene stealer here is Kathleen Burke, a 19-year-old making her screen debut as Lota, The Panther Woman.  She really is, because her mother was an actual panther.  She is highly regarded as Moreau's "most perfect creation."   This would be the perfect place to reference putting a panther in your tank, but, no, I am not going to go there.

                                           I haven't seen this film since I was a child and cannot wait to see it again.  I used to want to be The Panther Woman.  Now, I would just like to get appointments ASAP.

                                          Don't be a lost soul, darlings!  Join us tomorrow night, for some fun!!!!!!!!!

                                See this werewolf-like figure?  Would you believe that is Bela Lugosi??????????

THIS Is Called A "Tour Of Italy???????????????" I Call It "A Trip To Obesity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       I just finished reading a nifty little novel called "The Maid," by Nita Prose.  The title character, Molly Gray, is a sad soul who is, I think, on the autism spectrum; maybe having Asperger's.  She is compulsively perfectionistic, but that works in her favor, giving her a smartness that aids in solving the mystery within the novel.

                     Molly is a frequent visitor to The Olive Garden restaurant.  It was important to she and her grandmother, when the latter was alive.  Of course, darlings, I would not be seen in such a place, as it is "distinctly middle class."

                       The dish "Tour Of Italy," which I had never heard of, is Molly's favorite, standard dish to order when she goes to The Olive Garden.  Honey, if you keep eating this, your arteries will clog, so that you won't even make it to thirty.  She is twenty-five in the novel.

                          My God, those carbs!  As you can see, this entree consists of a heaping pile of lasagna, some fettucine alfredo, and a chicken parmigiana Who the hell could eat all this in one sitting??????????

                           No wonder obesity is on the rise. The Olive Garden is just a step up from a fast-food franchise.  I have heard of hefty portions, but this is too much.  

                            When I take my "Tour Of Italy," it will be in Vencie, in a gondola with David, after a light repast at a restaurant by the water.

                               "Tour Of Italy," indeed!  "Stuff Your Face" is more like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!