Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Victorian Farewell To February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 We did quite well by it--Blythe Danner, Lady Mendl, Shelley Plimpton, our trip to Morris Plains, which is an adventure worth repeating, but will have to wait till next month.  Which is only a day away.

                                    But, can you believe it, darlings, one sixth of the year has flown by?  Oh, my God, and in less than four months, I have my 50th high school reunion!  What will I wear?  Blake Lively--HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      A lovely February it was.  May March be as good to us as this month was.

                                     See you in a month, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before Wrapping Up February, Happy Birthday To A Special Person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Today is the unreal--not "un-birthday," as in "Alice In Wonderland--" birthday of my sister, Penny.  You see, she was a leap year baby, so in a year not a leap year, she celebrates it on the 28th.  Some do it on March 1st, I am told.

                               To think, my sister is now 83.  Hell, I am 68!!!!!!!!  Where has the time gone?

                                I hope she has a great day.  She is not far from Philly, so maybe she can hit the clubs!

                                  Whatever she does, I wish her all the best!  And so do my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Really IS Habit-Forming, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It has always been a tradition, over David's vacation, that we see a show.  Covid took care of that, but so did a lack of interest in what was being done, and soaring ticket prices.  So, when I saw that the Narrows Community Theatre in Bay Ridge were doing "Nunsense," the last weekend of his vacation, I thought this would be perfect.  David has never seen it, but I have, several times.

                                    Back in the Eighties, in the Baldwin School, for just three dollars, I saw this show when it was getting on its feet.  And I loved it.   I bought the cast recording.  Then I saw it down at Circle Rep, and then uptown Off-Broadway, somewhere in the West Forties, where it was being done with men in drag!  How I would have loved to have been in that.  However, due to casting, the men were not as funny as any of the women I have seen perform it, including Rue McClanahan, on television.  And you can see some of it on YouTube.

                                     I have to say, after decades, "Nunsense" holds up.  The actresses assembled have powerhouse voices that could do "Follies."  My favorite number, of course, is "Holier Than Thou," which mentions St. Bernadette, whom you all know I just love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But there was something heartbreaking and yearning in Sister Mary Amnesia's "I Could Have Gone To Nashville," wistfully recalling broken dreams.  This is the role I would love to tackle!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        As for its spoof of Catholicism, it is irreverent, but never sacrilegious.  One bit is dated, and I won't reveal what, but the actress doing the Reverend Mother performed it with comic timing and skill.

                                         It was a great wrap-up to David's vacation.  And the only other religious order I could join besides The Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And we saw it in the auditorium of St. Patrick's Church, on 95th Street and Fourth Avenue, in Bay Ridge.  Plus, it has a statue of the Virgin and Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls, "Lady Mendl's" For Tea Is A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                David and I visited this charming establishment on Irving Place, a street so small it is one of Manhattans' best kept secrets.  "Lady Mend's" tea house has been at 56 Irving Place for twenty years.  With its exquisite service, and 19th century decor, one feels as if stepping into the pages of a Henry James novel.  And we all love those, don't we, darlings??????????????

                                  We were there last Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                    David had an exotic tea, while I went with the standard Earl Grey.  We started with this exquisite pumpkin-based soup, in a double size Chinese teacup, from which we drank.  Then came our tray with sandwiches--squash with balsamic dressing and garnished with parsley, which was so delectable. The standard egg, tuna and cucumber sandwiches were served, along with pastry and petit fours.  I mean, girls, when you are done with a high tea, that is it for your evening, I am telling you.

                                   Lady Mendl was a 19th century society matron, actress, lesbian lover to a woman across the street, and who became named by marrying a wealthy man named Charles Mendl.   I have been saying for years, girls, isn't that the best way?  Think of literature's courtesans who have succeeded. The ones who don't today have no class, because they are TRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     TRAMPS are not seen at Lady Mendl's.  Which is why we were allowed in.   I mean, you don't have to be in the Social Register, but it helps.  As well as a good tip, and a mention of ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          See you at teatime, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Here is a sampling at Lady Mendl's.  Divine, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                             Oh, and compared to other tea places in the city, it is a bargain--only $78 per person.  At least that is only two figures.  The rest are three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who Is "The Spectrum Guy?" His Name Is Jim Conroy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, if any have the hots for him, I would not blame you.  There is something appealing about him, and he is good looking, in a sort of realistic way.  His speaking voice is terrific; wouldn't we all just want to hear him whisper sweet nothings into our ears?????????????

                             From Mr. Conroy's standpoint, I have to admire him.  Because of this gig he has landed, plus the amount of time seen on TV, he enters the pantheon of great commercial characters, like Dean Winters, as Mr. Mayhem, for "All State," or Stephanie Courtney as Flo for "Progressive."

                            Those royalties must be rolling in.  So, good for you, Mr. Conroy.  Finally, someone who presents themselves on commercials as likable.

                               Not like that Jack and Connie for "Consumer Cellular."

                              Who?  Darlings, they are gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here Is A Great Picture Of Jack! Tell Me What Kind Of Dog This Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Jack is the scene-stealing canine on "Law & Order: Organized Crime," seen here in a final shot with Timothy V. Murphy as Eamon Murphy.  Jack will not act with Mariska Hargitay, as he will upstage her all over the place.  He holds his own well with Murphy and Christopher Meloni.

                                      From this shot, one would think that he is the cutest thing.  And he can be.  Except when Murphy orders him to attack, like he did the other night with the young guy who owned the bar, and whose father tried to have his wife killed.  The attack was done backstage, so only growls and screams were heard, but it was pretty convincing.

                                          Now, almost any dog can be trained to attack.  Bulldogs are notedly loyal, so the question of breed comes into play here.  Is Jack a bulldog or a pit bull?  I cannot tell, from this pic.

                                            But I can tell all he is getting major screen time, has a trailer of his own, and, if things keep going like this, he will end up having his own show!

                                             "Law And Order: Jack." perhaps??????????????????

Monday, February 27, 2023

Darlings, Here Is The Answer To All Those Unidentified Flying Spy Objects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        The answer is simple, dears--it is The Deadly Mantis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Look, it all started in the polar regions, didn't it?  So did The Deadly Mantis.  He then moved southward to NYC, Washington D.C., and had he not been stopped in the Holland Tunnel, he might have made it to Las Vegas to see some shows.  Was The Rat Pack in vogue, then?

                     Don't worry about people spying on us, darlings.  There is enough of that on the streets, alone.  Just beware of a loud "Zzzzzzzz" sound in the air.  Then you will know for sure.

                     It is The Deadly Mantis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday To Shelley Plimpton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Yes, girls, it is already that time of year, when all on here wish Shelley Plimpton a happy birthday.  She turns 76 today and could step out onstage tonight and do "Frank Mills" as heart rending as when she first sang it back in the Sixties.

                      To younger readers, she may only be known as the mom of actress Martha Plimpton.  But for us oldsters in the know, she will always be the original Crissy in "HAIR," who sang of meeting "Frank Mills."   A replication of which I performed for 22 years--1978-2000--on September 12, and in front of the Waverly.  Now, I use the song as my vocal warm up.  If I can still hit those notes, my voice is in good shape.

                        Shelley, all on here salute you, and wish you best 76th year for you.  You will always be cherished in both hearts and memories.

                           And now, what else?--

                          Here is Shelley singing what she gave to the world, as only she could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Tonight, Girls, "Svengoolie" Is Serving Up A Heaping Portion Of Camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But "Sventoonie" Better Get His Act Together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           This will be a combined post, darlings, as David and I were on a staycation this week, and I will have lots to report when our work schedules assume on Monday.   

                           "War Of The Gargantuas" is a 1966 bottom-of-the-barrel Japanese monster movie.  Can you believe Russ Tamblyn is in this?  After "West Side Story," he had to resort to this?  Oh, well, that is show business!

                              The word on the street is that when Gojira read the script, he tossed it in the face of Toho execs, and walked out of the room.  It was sent to Mothra and Rodan, who pretty much did the same thing.  The lesser-known monsters, like Gamera and Varan, had already gotten word, and they quickly said they were not available.  So, Toho had to come up with something quickly, and the result was two idiotic overly hirsute Bigfoot types, but enlarged to monster size.  Yeah, right.  But this should be hilarious.

                               The question is what will "Sventoonie" do?  Last week, he did a Colbert/Fallon spoof that just did not work.  The supporting players are funny in short doses, but are not actors enough for elongated sketches, like those who work with Amy Sedaris.  The lack of a movie deconstruction was sorely missing, and two weeks before he went and deconstructed a second-rate MGM musical, 1951's "Royal Wedding."  What the hell for?  It is not even a horror film!  Tonight, he is scheduled to deconstruct the aforementioned 1977 TV movie, "The Night They Took Miss Beautiful."  But will he?  "Svengoolie" did such a great job last week, with the nerve tingling 1971 Spielberg film (yes, that's right!) "Duel," which deserved a quality deconstruction.  Instead, the audience was served up third rate schtick.

                                  "Sventoonie," is you do not get it together, you are going to lose your audience.  "Judge Judy" is still on Saturdays at 10:30, so shape up or we will switch.

                                   As the judge herself says, "Don't piss on my leg, and tell me it's raining..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Another Reason This Day Is Special....Happy Birthday, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Today is Dexter's birthday, and I want all on here to wish him a happy one.  His owner, Michael, has been saying Dexter is 13 all year, so I imagine this day he turns 14.  Go, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!  He still barks with joy, whenever I visit, and he can really jump.  I should be able to do Dexter's leaps, but I wouldn't dare try!

                         Sweet, handsome Dexter!  He deserves whatever he wants on this very special day.

                        David, I, all at our house, and all on here wish Dexter the happiest of birthdays.

                        Love you, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Addendum--Actually, today, the 23rd is Dexter's birthday.  Happy Birthday, Dexter!

Happy Ash Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yes, girls, it is that time of year--the beginning of Lent, when fasting and abstinence rule.  This year, I am giving up chocolate, which can only help my A1C.   But I am also making an effort to be more participatory in church matters.  I may go and receive ashes at 3PM today. Who knows.

                                  Anyway, it is a beginning.

                                   Lent does start the holiest time of the year for us, even if Christmas does upstage it for religiosity and pageantry.  But don't forget Yvonne Elliman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Wishing all on here a joyous Lenten season.  

                                     And remember, you don't have to be Catholic to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Happy Shrove Tuesday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Yes, girls, this is the day before the start of Lent--which is Ash Wednesday--when everyone eats pancakes.  Or, at least, we do.  In New Orleans, of course, it is called "Mardi Gras," which means "Fat Tuesday."

                                        Trust the American translation to be inelegant.  Some just call it "Pancake Day." But the idea is to use up all the fatty stuff in the kitchen, as the next forty days will involve fast and abstinence.

                                            That's right, dolls, meatless Fridays for the next five weeks!  For those who might live on a strictly McDonald's diet--but none of MY girls!!!!!!--good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, eat those pancakes, and have yourselves a memorable Shrove Tuesday.

                                               And a safe and holy Lent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Girls, Join Us Tonight, As "Svengoolie" Presents A Rarity, A TV Movie By A Then Up And Comer.....Steven Spielberg!!!!!!!!!!!!! As For "Sventoonie," Well.......

                          Girls, it is another made-for-television movie, but this time with some street cred.  Who knew when this film was first aired in 1971, that the director, Steven Spielberg, would go on to be the most iconic name in Hollywood, since David O. Selznick?

                              You may be asking--Steven Spielberg?  Of "Jaws" and "Schindler's List?"  That's right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                All I can tell you about "Duel," and it's not much, is that it is based on a Richard Matheson short story, wherein Dennis Weaver is pursued by a psychopathic truck, in the manner of Stephen King's "Christine."  Except there are other actors in the film, so it is not just Weaver and an unknown truck.  But the footage sure makes it seem like that.

                            So, tune in, at 8PM tonight, and find out for yourselves, dolls!  Imagine, "Svengoolie" showing such a film, from an iconic filmmaker!

                                As for "Sventoonie--"

                                    Well, he is showing a made -for- television film, too.  But one that should be a hoot!  First of all, look at that cast!   They all must have need the cash, back then.  And who knew made-for-television movies began as early as 1967?

                                       The plot sounds hilarious.  Martin Landau, an avocational paranormal investigator, is hired by heiress Diane Baker to get rid of her dead bitch mother-n-law, (Judith Andreson, once more cashing in on her Mrs. Danvers persona) who keeps haunting her.  I cannot wait to see the exchanges in this deconstruction between mother and daughter-in-law!   

                                          So, this should provide an evening of fun.   Imagine, two TV movies back-to-back.  At least "Sventoonie" is back in the game, with "The Ghost Of Sierra De Cobre.'  Unlike last week, which I would rather forget.

                                           Don't you forget to tune in, girls.  Eight o' clock for "Svengoolie," and ten thirty for "Sventoonie."

                                             See you then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2023

"It Was Never Going To Stop. No Matter What Anyone Did. It Was Never Going To Stop!"

                            Those were the final words spoken by Agnes Linsky, wonderfully played by Lindsay Hollister, at the close of my favorite 'SVU' episode, "Mean," back in 2004.  Can you believe it has been nineteen years?

                           Agnes was bullied by a girl named Emily Sullivan, and her friends, Brittany O'Malley, Andrea Kent, and Paige Summerbee.  When Emily showed romantic interest in Brittany's boyfriend, Lucas Croft, Emily was then murdered by her three friends, who tried to frame Agnes.  They were convicted, and Agnes thought the bullying would stop, but it did not, and it drove her to shoot one of her tormentors.

                             This was six years before the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, which I wrote about on here with the fervor of an activist reporter.  That tragedy turned his family, especially Mother Jane, into activists against bullying.

                                Then, right here in Bay Ridge, Daniel Fitzpatrick, 13 at Holy Angels Catholic School, took his life.  Nearby to David and me.  Daniel had to commute each day to Staten Island.  He must have wanted to get off that bus.  

                                 Instead, he hanged himself, in a room in his house, on an August Thursday, in 2016.

                                  And now Adriana Kuch.

                                 She did it the same way--hanging.  She attended Central Regional High School, in Bayville, New Jersey, part of Berkley Township, in Orange County.  This poor child was mercilessly treated, and I saw the video.  She was slammed against a locker, falling to the ground, and kicked, while others cheered on This happened on February 1.  She ended her life two days later, on the third.  There is no excuse for this.  The four students, whom I cannot name as they are minors, but I bet most of them are girls are charged as follows--one with aggravated assault. one with harassment, and two students with conspiracy to commit aggravated assault.

                                  The superintendent resigned, and deservedly so.  I saw a video of the meeting between the administrators, parents and students, and I agree with Adriana's father, Michael Kuch, they should all be fired.  As Agnes said, this will never stop, until it is taken seriously by other students and faculty and administrators.  

                                     Agnes was fictional, but her story is all too real.  Tyler and Daniel were real, and I still recall Tyler each September 22nd.  It got to me most, as he attended a school near my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey--Rutgers University, where, when I applied, I was inexplicably turned down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, hey, I am not out to demonize Rutgers, Bay Ridge, or New Jersey.  Because this is happening all over.  The light now shines on Bayville, but if the adults don't act, another child somewhere will do the same thing.  This must be stopped.  Talk is cheap, and since Tyler's death, save for what the family did, that's what juvenile suicide gets--cheap talk and false promises.

                                        I hope Adriana's father gets the justice he deserves.  Sure, it won't bring her back, but if these administrators are removed, they will think twice before neglecting another situation.  If they get field related jobs, that is.

                                          There is no excuse for bullying--in school, or the adult workplace.  Yes, it happens there too.  As Bob Dylan wrote, "How many deaths will it take till we know/That too many people have died?"

                                            How many, indeed?

                                             Rest in peace, Adriana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls, What A Dazzling Display Of Color, Frrom "Svengoolie!!!!!!!!!!! " But What Happened With "Sventoonie????????????"

                             I cannot rave enough about "Killer Clowns From Outer Space."  I would never equate this with a masterwork like "The Wizard Of Oz," but it is amazing to me how the Chiodo Brothers, who wrote and directed the film managed to do so well with a low budget.

                             The circus concept is brilliant and maintained throughout.  The clowns arrive in a spaceship replicating a circus tent.  When they kill people, they shoot them with guns that fire out popcorn!   These poor souls are taken to the ship, where they are turned into embryos sacked in cotton candy!  Eventually, the candy breaks open, and new killer clowns are born!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The set decoration and art direction are ablaze with color.  Even the interiors, which, I believe were shot inside some factory. are painted in the most vivid hues.  They must have been influenced by 'Oz', because even though it is a campy cheapie, it is ablaze, and dazzling to look at.


                             The story less so; just your general sci-fi trope, but the visuals make this film.

                              And the visuals include actor Grant Cramer, as--are you ready for this--police Officer Mike Tobacco.  That's right.  He is hot and looks like he just emerged from doing porn.  But he has an A-list pedigree, being the son of actress Terry Moore, who is still alive, at 94!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have seen many of her films; who could forget "Peyton Place," in 1957, when she played Betty Anderson?  And how about her Oscar nominated performance as Marie in 1952's "Come Back Little Sheba?"  Even "Sventoonie" deconstructed one of her earliest films, "The Great Rupert."

                                 Darlins, it simply has to be seen.  Who would have thought a piece of wonderful trash would have such artistic aspirations?

                                   Is there a sequel?  I would like to see it, out of curiosity.


                             I don't know what was up with "Sventoonie," darlings, and I apologize.  I had posted originally, he was to deconstruct the 1977 TV movie, "The Night They Took Miss Beautiful."  Its plot involved a bevy of beauties aboard a ship containing a dangerous bacterial organism--probably Rip Taylor!!!!!!!!!!!!!--but instead, he ended up showing a frothy, romantic MGM musical, "Royal Wedding."  And not one of that studio's best.

                              This film has a checkered history.  It was planned for 1948, with June Allyson to star opposite Fred Astaire, but she became pregnant.  Next, Judy Garland-who, having worked with Astaire in "Easter Parade," would have enlivened the film.   Alas, she had her problems, so could not do it.  Finally, Jane Powell stepped in, a fine singer and dancer, but not Judy Garland!  Though staged with all the wizardry of the studio, with a cast featuring Astaire, Powell, Peter Lawford, Keenan Wynn, and in what might be her only film performance, Sarah Churchill!  Yes, girls THOSE Churchills!  Who knew? Alas, this was shelved, not released until 1951, and, up against the brilliant "An American In Paris," "Royal Wedding" did not find public favor.

                               The film is memorable for Fred Astaire dancing on the ceiling and side walls, aided by the camera.  This is worth watching, but even the short deconstruction is boring to watch.  What happened here?  No horror, no camp.  If "Sventoonie" keeps this up, he will lose his audience.

                               But "Killer Clowns From Outer Space" made up for it.  And do you know who handles its distribution???????????

                                That is right, darlings--Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                How ironic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

A Belated Valentine From Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        David and I had a quiet Valentine's Day, girls, with dinner at our favorite Spanish restaurant, and an exchange of cards and chocolates.  But then I got a surprise from Cujo, the lovable boxer who has stolen my heart, and with whom I have a special bond.

                           Originally, David and I wanted to go to Peppino's.  Though closed on Tuesdays, we thought the day being Valentine's Day, they might make an exception. They did not.

                           But we were on the corner of 77th and Third, and suddenly heard the loud barking of a dog.  After several barks, David remarked it sounded like Cujo, and after a few more I had to agree. The sun was setting, so I was surprised he would be out this late.  I ran to the house, and as soon as I saw him, I called out, his ears perked up, and we had a nice visit.  Cujo had seen me on the street, recognized me, and was calling out for me to come see him!  Which I did, and it made my day.  Cujo wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day.

                             Many on here have asked about Cujo, so I can tell you he is looking and feeling fine.  He sends you all belated Valentine's Day wishes.

                               Love you, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, isn't this precious?  It exemplifies David and me.  

                              A Happy Valentine's Day to all on here.  Cupid's arrow may hit some who have not yet been hit already, so look out.  This will be my only post for the day, because I have some sad ones coming up, and did not want to ruin the spirit of this day.

                              Hope all my readers out there have the happiest of Valentine's Days.

                               This is a day for romance, girls!  But does not mean that romance can be 365 days a year!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, February 13, 2023

Why I Do Not Go To Mass Regularly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Despite the headline, there is a Catholic still deep inside me, and, yes, I do think we are the church, but what happened last Saturday shows why I don't go as often as I should.

                        This weekend was a special one for me.  February 11 was the 165th Anniversary Of The Apparition Of Our Lady Of Lourdes, when the Virgin Mary first appeared to Bernadette Soubirous.  You all know me on that one, girls. But the next day, February 12, was the fifth anniversary of my father's passing.  So, I decided to go to mass on Saturday, to honor Mary, Bernadette, and my father.

                          The church was St. Anselm's on 82nd Street and Fourth Avenue in Brooklyn.  I have been there before.  I have found the church beautiful; when they decorate, they go all out, darlings!  The congregation, some of whose members I know, are very accepting of both David and me.

                           The Saturday service was actually not bad.  My problem was with the priest's sermon.  It was all the standard stuff about sin, hell, damnation; not a thing affirming, and, worse, not one reference to Mary or Bernadette, or what this date means to us in spiritual history.

                               If my intentions had not been so important to me, I would have gotten up and walked out.  Now, David, who, I have to admit, is more up on world matters than I, said that the church is transitioning, losing congregants and priests.  It is very short staffed, so they have had to reach out for Africans to come here and say the masses.  And he says those Africans tend to be archly conservative.

                               I have no problem with an Afro American priest.  Girls, over half a century ago, in Highland Park, NJ, Saint Paul's Church had one--Reverend Robert J. Butler.  He was fine.

                                  But this kind of hate mongering, reprimanding dogma is not what I came to mass for.  It made me upset then, and it upsets me now, as I am writing this.  And when I was in Dignity, even I gave sermons from time to time, and they were more affirming than this.

                                    As for life, I will continue in my own way.  Now this experience has ruined St. Anselm's for me.  So, this coming Saturday, I am going back to Saint Andrews--where I used to go, and which, as a small church, Covid kept me from attending.  I will go masked.  Before I move to Bay Ridge, some in Dignity told me St. Andrews was the most gay-friendly church in the area.  So, I will give it a second chance, and let you know.

                                      Sister Camille doesn't preach hateful rhetoric.  Why are some Catholics still insistent on this approach?  Don't they realize the number it does on some people?  I don't get the idea Jesus would have taken this approach.  Instead of fostering congregants, it drives them away.

                                       May God forgive me, a lapsed Catholic.  But I cannot tolerate this kind of anti-spirituality anymore.

Instead Of A Birthday Cake, How About A Donut Cake, Darlings????????????????????????????

                                       I know, I know, from glamour to carbs.  Well, that's me, girls; the topics just come to me.

                                       Not that I am trying to compete with Sylvia Weinstock--I wouldn't dream of it--but the other day I was thinking about my birthday, even though it is nine months away.  It doesn't hurt to think about celebratory things; anything to get one's mind off this downer culture I am afraid we are spiraling into.

                                        What I have learned in my research is there are various ways to make various donut cakes--design, color, shape.  Some are pretty elaborate, but what I want is simple--a series of donuts--maybe half a dozen piled on top of one another--with some old fashioneds and custard creams mixed in.

                                          The problem is how does one keep it all together, like a traditional three-layer cake?  Is it done with toothpicks?  That might make it difficult to cut.  Some just stack them around a pole like rings, but what I want to do is merge the donut with the layer cake concept.  Would sticking some kind of cream between the donuts hold them together?  Maybe chocolate or vanilla frosting?  Maybe, then, it would be easy to cut.   

                                          It sounds simply wonderful.  And not as much to eat as a layer cake.

                                          So, meanwhile think about it, girls.  I will let you know how things turn out here in nine months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Blake Lively And Ryan Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Blake Lively is like my glamour sister, and Ryan Reynolds, face it, girls, is nice to look it, so I am happy to post this congratulatory message on the arrival of their fourth child.  This power couple really knows how to keep busy, and yet maintain their power.  How do they do it, darlings???????????

                       Now, I know Blake and Ryan have three daughters.  I also know they look to be as private as possible, and especially in the case of their three daughters.

                      Not to mention child number four.  Not even to tell us what gender it is?  Cone on, Blake, that will not impede on the child's life.  The world is dying to know, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Even the date of birth is a secret.  Except that it happened days before the Super Bowl!

                        Pregnant or not, Blake looks great.  How in the world does she do it?????????????

                        Call me, Blake.  My readers are just dying to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Girls, It Is Fashion Week!

                                      No wonder I haven't heard from ANNA; she has been too busy with all this.  And with Blake Lively out of commission right now, for reasons I will later post, why wasn't I asked to co-host?

                                       From the looks of this, I would say there is a Felliniesque look this year.  I would love to wear what the girl in front is, because it has some dash of color.  I always favor color over dark, so I would hope there was some on display by some of the designers, like Lacroix, Balenciaga, and, yes, even Ralph Lauren.  I mean, as a gay man it is hard enough to find any clothes on look, but now the industry is going to make it hard on women?  

                                          Please don't permit color to become a thing of the past!

                                          Fashion Week means, for me, time to scan my closet, to see what I really need!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Think pink, yellow, orange, and jungle red, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Hey, ANNA, when can we meet for lunch???????????????????

This Post Was Meant For Yesterday, Darlings, But.........

                                  I will demonstrate that a leopard can change its spots.  This was intended for yesterday, which was Super Bowl Sunday.  I was going to say what bullshit it all is, what with sports figures getting overpaid, and the vulgar displays of behavior by fans at these types of events.  I would always say this behavior is never seen at the theater, opera, concert hall or ballet.  And those artists are grossly underpaid.

                                     That last statement still applies, but I have changed my mind on the second.  Over the weekend, I read an article on the Playbill website about the abuse Broadway ushers have to take.  This includes harassing them, or talking back to or belittling them, people getting plotzo drunk, and vomiting in the aisles.  After reading this, I wouldn't work as a Broadway usher if I was asked.

                                      So, the behavior does not extend to just sporting events.  But what has come over our culture?  What has happened to human decency.  Is it Covid?  The internet?  The loosening of values that children are now not raised on?

                                       Or maybe it is all of the above.  

                                       It is enough having to fear walking the streets these days.  But inside an entertainment center, where one just wants to sit back and enjoy?

                                     Bullshit is not confined to Super Bowl Sunday, or even sports.  Unfortunately, it is everywhere.

                                       Let's try to keep it out, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Today Is The 165th Anniversary Of The Apparition Of Our Lady Of Lourdes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          That's right, girls, this is a very special day.  On this day, in 1858, the Virgin Mary appeared to the French peasant girl, Bernadette Soubirous.  A photo of a service taken at the grotto kind of shows how it all went down, when it took place.  That is where Mary stood, when she appeared to Bernadette.

                          Of course, most of you will recall this incident via the 1943 Oscar winning film with Jennifer Jones, "The Song Of Bernadette."  It gets most of it right.

                           So, on this special February day, take some time to think about what Bernadette and Mary did for us.  Think about kindness to everyone, which they set an example for, especially to those in need, physically and emotionally, and who come to Lourdes in search of fulfillment.

                           This is Mary's day, as well as Bernadette's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Here is how Hollywood recreated that iconic moment.  Note how Jones just gives herself over to her character.  She vanishes, and Bernadette appears.

                                That is how to win oneself an Oscar, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But never forget Mary and Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time To Welcome A New Reader, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, a new follower has joined the fold--I saw the indicator this morning read 126--and it is time to welcome her.   Her name is Hermioneswich, and I hope she gets not only her wish, but all that this blog can offer.  This is a very special and fortuitous day to join this blog, as shall be found out in the next post.

                                  Again, I never know how readers find themselves here, but I am glad they do.  Hermioneswich, I hope you find this blog both informative and entertaining, as well as insightful; with all that has happened lately, some of my pieces have been rather self-examining and insightful. Topics and tones come and go on here, darling, as you will find out.

                                    So, girls, let's extend a big welcome to Hermioneswish.  And, of course, let's salute here with the blog's unofficial theme song--

                                That's right, dolls!  Deborah Harry, singing "Call Me!"


Friday, February 10, 2023

These Are My Signature Colors, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       That's right, pink, yellow and orange.  Let me say right out that the yellow and orange would be brighter than pictured, but this is the best I could do.  You get the idea, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I try to incorporate this into my wardrobe, and pretty much succeed.

                     But painting is another thing.   I mean, painting an apartment has to be worse than moving!  You have to move everything, and remove stuff from walls, and where does one put it?  It is like being a clutterer or living on a construction site.  Hard to take.

                   Nevertheless, it has always been my dream, darlings, to have an apartment painted in these colors.  Here is how it would go.

                  The living room would be flaming pink.

                   The kitchen would be flaming yellow.

                    The bedroom would be flaming orange.

                    And the foyer and the bathroom would be......

                   What else, darlings?  Jungle Red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Wouldn't this look fabulous, girls?  People would come to visit just to view this collage of colors.

                       Perhaps we could open up a tea/literary salon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The late Rue McClanahan would LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Already I Can Tell You, This Film Should Have Won The 1988 Oscaar For Best Costume Design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Ten years into the slasher movement, and a decade after the "killer tomatoes," along came "Killer Klowns From Outer Space."  This rarely seen film will be the feature attraction tomorrow night on "Svengoolie," and girls, I surely don't want you to miss this.  

                                   From the images alone that I have seen, this has to be the most colorful feature ever shown on "Svengoolie."  If only Michael Bennett was alive; I think this would make a great Broadway musical.  All those colorful costumes.  OK, maybe Julie Taymor.  But certainly not Diane Paulus.

                                    I can't wait to see this.  But would you believe, with me being the horror maven, that David has seen this already?  I kid you not.  So, Baby Gojira, Kerwyn, and Cucumbo are very excited to see this film.  I hope it is as hilarious as promised.
                   As for "Sventoonie," he has something different planned.  I never heard of this movie, which was made-for-television, back in 1977.  Either this had a high budget, or its actors needed work, because the film is an all-star gala of TV stars--Chuck Connors, (best on "Branded") Gary Collins, (a Tv staple during this period) Sheree North, (What ever happened to her?) Phil Silvers, (also a legend of the musical stage!) Victoria Principal, ("Dallas;" need I say more?) Henry Gibson, (post "Nashville")
Stella Stevens, (Loved her in "The Mad Room!") and Peter Haskell (who played director Kevin Grant on "Bracken's World").  What an ensemble!  And for what?

                    At first, I thought this did not fit the horror rubric.  A bevy of contest beauties on a hijacked airplane flight?  Except, as I discovered, there is hidden on board a mysterious bacterial organism (cue in "Alien" or Covid!) that could endanger them all.  So, therein lies the horror.  For those who like their horror with bosoms, this movie has that potential, but even in 1977, with it being made for television, it could have its limits, there.

                   So, it looks like Saturday night will not be a dub.  Whether alone or with a "Mystery Date," this should be a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    See you there at eight, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

"Now, You Have To Understand, It's Highly Theatricalized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Those were the exact words Kelly Bishop spoke to her mother, just before the latter was about to see her daughter perform the role of Sheila in "A Chorus Line," at The Public Theatre, back in 1975.

                             Which leads me to wonder--are all our lives highly theatricalized?  Shakespreare said "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."  Is that true?

                              Darlings, with me you better believe it!  My life is highly theatricalized, and I have had some great theatrical guides along the way.

                                Remember the dance sequence in 1953's "Lili," where she dream dances with the puppets along the road?  Well, if I were creating a theatricality for myself, it would go something like this--Me in the center, belting out a Broadway tune.  To my stage right would be Baayork Lee, as she is in the above photo, dressed as a balloon girl.  Upstage of me would be Shelley Plimpton singing "Frank Mills."  Stage left would be Trini Alvarado, at age 11, singing "Lullaby From Baby To Baby," from "Runaways." And, of course, front and center would be--who else? --Donna McKechnie performing "The Music And The Mirror."

                                 Of course, I have Bernadette as my spiritual guide.  But imagine the above.

                                 My life may sometimes seem routine, but it is always theatrical.  Many people say I am a theatrical person, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And theater is all about ritual and continuity.

                                  Just look at that photo.  That is Michael Bennett staging.  Where do we see such staging today?  Nowhere!  Take a look at (if I can access it) Michele Lee's impassioned performance in the 1973 "Seesaw."  Where has the theatrical magic gone?

                                   Darlings, as long as I live and breathe, it will remain!

                                  As Michele Lee says in the song, "It's been one hell of a ride."

                               Here is Michele Lee at the 1974 TONY Awards.  This is theatrical magic!!!!!!!!!!!

Fun Time, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, What Did Everyone Think Of Last Week's "Svengoolie/Sventoonie" Broadcast?????????????????

                           "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" was certainly not "The African Queen," darlings, but who knew it had so much subliminal homosexuality?  This certainly went way over my head, when I was a child.

                              With Julia Adams on board what had to be the smallest boat on water since "The African Queen," and the only woman, to boot, along with the two Richards (Carlson and Denning) showing more male pulchritude than Julia in the female division, this had to be the most testosterone fueled boat in the history of movies!

                                And those two Richards--always stripping down and fighting with each other over something.  Come on, guys, why didn't you just kiss and make up and screw your brains out?  I mean, that is clearly what you both wanted to do.

                                 I felt sorry for both the Creature and Julie.  Both are the only ones in their environment, which bespeaks of a kind of loneliness.  No wonder the Creature wanted to carry her to his cave.  And, let's face it, once there, Julia never seemed as tense as she was on board that ship.  The Creature gave he a chance to relax.

                                  I also could not help noticing how similar this was too "King Kong."  A group of sailors journeying to unknown territory, the monster drawn to the female, who really did not want his environment invaded, and the one Richard (Denning) wanting to capture it alive and bring it back to the States.  I guess monsters may vary, but the tropes often don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Still, the last shot of the Creature floating dead made me feel sorry for it, just like when Kong falls off the Empire State Building.

                                    But, girls, wouldn't we all want to look like Julia in that bathing suit??????????

                                    Let's start those diets, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                   Now, "Sventoonie's" deconstruction of 1976's "Drive-In Massacre" should have been fun, but it was really unsatisfying, because, at the end, the killer goes unrevealed!  Instead, a written afterword hints to be careful attending drive-ins, as there may be more psychos out there!

                  Not that the filmmaker doesn't have a point, but this earlier slasher did not click and help define the genre; that was not until John Carpenter's "Halloween" in 1978, which was a better made film.

                  Shot on a strictly low budget, the production had to resort to some illegal tactics.  An evening shot at an amusement park was done without a permit.  The actors in the film all had to make name changes to protect their identities, as they were not members of the Screen Actors Guild.

                     I know this moment looks great, and it is, but really my favorite moment was when this guy goes to the concession stand to get his girlfriend a soda.  He returns, gives her the soda, then goes back to movie watching, not noticing, for several minutes, that she is not only talking--she has no head, as she has been decapitated!  Scream!  Too bad for this guy, because now he won't get any.  Head, that is!!!!!!!!!!   Which the film makes abundantly clear is why patrons come to the drive-in--for sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Well, I was a good girl, darlings, I went to the drive-in with my parents, as a child.  It was a big treat, with the novelty of being outside, and being able to play on a playground.  As I got older, I lost interest in drive-ins, which should have told me something about me.  But I did not have a clue, back then.

                      Neither did these filmmakers, who went nowhere, and I think made the whole thing up as they went along.  Still, the headless girlfriend scene was worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Wonder what "Svengoolie" and "Sventoonie" have in store for us, this Saturday?